Jan 09, 2006 10:53
A log crackles in the fireplace, a bottle of merlot flickers in it's light, soup bubbles on the stove, and the last chapters of a good book draw me in. Still, it's barely January and it's warm enough for bike rides to work and lunches on the beach.
Long lost relatives turn up at every corner on every holiday, creating more family obligation than time ever permits.
Lazy landlady kills Koi, unfixes leaky faucets, lets in mice and lets out a lot of hot air while bills pile up. Our newest ploy was to get her freaked about a $5,000 water bill. It's actually only 40$ because Mr. Water Company read our meter wrong, but landlady doesn't need to know that... at least, not until she becomes paranoid enough to fix all our ancient plumbing.
Laptop upgrades and a flatscreen tv for xmas kept me happily bed ridden all weekend, except for when Wushu Coach was kind enough to beat me into a stronger, faster, pulp.
Coach Whey Whey has totaled 4 rental cars by getting in 5 major accidents since he moved here from China 6 months ago. Last week he drove another car through a laundromat, hit two people inside, and yet he still has his license.