
Jul 23, 2006 14:19

didnt realise I forgot to post something here since I got back.

well, Ive been home (dubai) now for afew days, maybe a week, cant remember.
its been alright, relaxing...except for the family visits.

my dad calls me while Im out with my friends (Ive had the whole week planned for ages)
and says Im going out with him immediately right then on another bloody holiday to an island off some other country.

told him Im not going, he complains that I do things with my mother but not with him.
he doesnt seem to understand that we can do things here together.
told him Im too tired of travelling to go and he goes into some silly tantrum and shuts the phone on me.

fucking christ does my family love the drama!

enjoying spending time with ali and saoud. sleep schedule completely fucked up.
woke up at midnight last night.

I dont get the freedom or privacy here to work on artworks or anything here.
Im not saying I wanna draw porn, but its just that I get mocked and questioned through every fucking second by my relatives.

I get so bored here...it just feels so pointless...I feel like Im wasting precious time from my life...
feels like I have a wet sponge pressed up against my chest.

I get so bored that I go back and do things I would never normally do...
on that note...

got dragged back into World of Warcraft abit...
got a 60 orc hunter.
US stormrage server - 'Haanter' is my character name.

none of my messengers work...I feel like Im losing contact with everyone that matters to me...
makes me realise how there are some people that I havent said a word to in like 6-7 months (In some cases a year or two), who back in the day, I would talk to constantly...

my home country has become completely shallow and materialistic.
I mean for one they deticated a section of the city to pretain the 'old dubai' look, but the city expanded so much that it surrounded it completely.
eventually the officials considered it a waste of valuable real estate, so they demolished it and built a fake 'old dubai' just outside the city. fucking retarded bastards.

its becoming more and more expensive in this city, honestly ask any person (whose not a complete local from here) what they think about this place, its unrealistic...this place is literally like no other place in the world, common sense and the laws of reality...

it saddens me, but relieves me as well to know that family name means more than talent or skill in this country.

Joe has been studying law for the last 4-5 years, yet truthfully, he has absolutely no chance of getting a political position that actually means anything even if he worked till the day he dies.

I could easily become a minister within a couple of years without even needing to actually get proper studies at all just because Im part of one of the biggest, most powerful arabic families.

it saddens me because its completely unfair, but it relieves me because I have something to fall on.
the goverment is giving me a batch of land in the old "heritage village" and is paying for my 4 bedroom house to be built on it. theyve already agreed, sheikh mohammed (the mayor/governer/leader/whatever of dubai; basically if you ever see anything about arabic royalty and you see some guy, thin, tall, with good english, thats him) has already signed the land off to me and has paid the building company to start building.

now I know its completely unfair and I honestly feel bad about it, but I do feel quite relieved to know that I have somewhere for me to go back to no matter what happens.

I mean I have been offered a high ranked position in networking in the phone company here (which I hate), and if anyone of you has actually talked to me about anything IT, you should know, I absolutely know complete jackshit...
they offered me 20,000dirhams a month (with eventual bonuses / promotion). 3.65 dirhams to a US dollar. $5480 a month. $65750 a year.
no rent to pay, no water, no electricity.

I dont mean to do this to boast or anything, but honestly, Im just calculating this in my head since I got the offer this morning.

they dont care about my talents or anything, just the fact that Im the son of so and so.

thats one of the reasons I hate this place...Im never known as my own person, just son of my father.

but even though I know alotta people think Im just a spoilt rich kid, I would actually give this all up, but cmon be honest, if you had someone that gives you absolutely everything you want and need, wouldnt you try to hold onto it as long as you could?

Im not spoilt, I know perfectly how to take care of myself, I know the value of a dollar, I know more about this world than people quite abit older than me... but that doesnt mean Im giving up the chance to have all this.
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