
Jul 18, 2006 23:49

Today I cleaned more! my bedroom is spotless :) and everything is pretty much organized and clean. The only thing I didnt get done that I wanted to was to take the comforters to the laundromat.. I can do that tomorrow before work. I'll just get up early and eat some oats to give me a boot in the butt to get moving. I sorta drag when I wake up if I dont eat right away. I am reading the book "Wicked".. its pretty good, about halfway through. I like the story line. the life and the times of the wicked witch of the west. Its not really how I thought it would go so far, but I am only halfway. I would like to see a movie made from this one. I borrowed it from a friend so I need to finish it and give it back so she can read it. She just got it in the mail when she loaned it to me. Makes me want to rent "The Wizard of OZ" again and watch it. "Return to OZ" was good yet very strange movie. Saw that when I was a kid. Not sure how many people really know about it, but it has these wheelers type guys that are kinda creepy, and the witch in it has a hallway full of heads that she picks to wear for the day... I think whoever made it was on LSD or something cuz its very strange. NEWHOO.. going to read and then go to sleep! I DONT WANT TO WORK TOMORROW! but it pays the bills :)
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