Wow hi everyone gosh it has been a while since I posted a thing? I guess because I have mostly been on tumblr
posting pictures of eels and... trying to clean my room up and sort things out (I LAUNDERED MY LOBSTER AND NOW ITS FEELERS ARE ALL CURLY) before K gets here! WHICH IS IN LESS THAN THREE DAYS EEEEEE
Less than three 8)
That goes for all of you who said nice things at me for the last couple entries! I am lucky to have so many great friends :3 I have been feeling a lot better the last couple days and I hope it will stay this way! At least for a while I mean. I have my ups and downs. But yeah thank you all <3 As a gift here is
a photo of my cat making herself very small and round on a pillow. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.