
Jun 12, 2009 23:40

Ahhh Nintendo is making a remake of the Pokémon Gold/Silver games for the DS!! ;___; I know I'm late to the bandwagon but eeeeee!

Look, screencaps!

Aaaaaaaa DO WANT. G/S were the best games and my GBC cartridges died about a year ago and I have been SRSLY SAD ABOUT IT because all I have left to play is Ruby and Diamond (which I never liked much D: *hides*) and Fire Red in German.

...which is fucking awesome because it's in German but maaaaan.

Also check it out, you can make your Pokémons walk behind you like you could in Yellow :'D Ahhhahaha. AND THEY'RE CALLED ~HEART GOLD~ AND ~SOUL SILVER~ well done Pokémon you have run out of colors and gemstones so now you've started using abstract concepts. :'D WTG. Anyway.


geekery, do want, pokémons, omfg, nerdage, let me show you them, video games

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