Title: What If I Said I Love You? [Chapter 5]
Author: Ani
Genre: AU, slight angst, drama, eventually fluff
Rating: PG
Pairings: Chiitaro
Summary: Best friends don't always fall in love.
Disclaimer: I don't own JE
The tension was so thick the next day someone could take a knife and cut through it. Yamada and Yuuto were already at their seats when we came in. My best friend didn’t even bother looking up from the manga he was reading but I caught the glance Yuuto shot our way. His eyes lingered on us for several seconds, until I grew self-conscious of the fact that Ryutaro was holding my hand.
Once again, the younger boy just showed up unnannounced this morning. This time, my sister let him in on her way out, so when I woke up, I nearly got a heart attack seeing him in the kitchen. He was wearing a green apron I’d never seen before but it looked cute on him.
Then I realized he was in my house. Making breakfast. Without permission (I didn’t know Saya let him in). I was about to start yelling at him to get out when he strode over and shut me up with a kiss. Sad to say, it worked, and then he had the nerve to say ‘good morning’ in the cutest- I mean annoyingest voice.
“So you think Ryutaro-kun’s cute?” Saya asked, swirling her cappuccino with a spoon.
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you said he looked cute in that green apron,” my sister pointed out.
“I- That’s not the point here, nee-chan! Why did you let him in?!” I was trying not to raise my voice too much; we were in a public cafe after all.
“Well, I woke up late and didn’t have time to make you breakfast, and he offered so nicely, so...” Saya shrugged, taking a sip of her cappuccino to hide her smile.
“Nee-chan you always wake up late and you’ve never made me breakfast before either.”
“And then? What happened?” I puffed my cheeks at the way my sister kept ignoring me. “You held his hand and happily went to school together?”
“I did not! He forcefully grabbed me and...a-and we went to school...together...” I finished lamely, staring down at my cup and feeling the blood rush up to my head.
“Welcome to Cafe Latte, ladies. Table for three?” My heart skipped a few beats at that voice and found myself looking up see Ryutaro leading three girls to a table. As he passed my table, he caught my eye and nearly killed me with his smile.
“Yuuri, you’re blushing~” Saya whispered in an audible voice and I tried to kick her, but missed. “You really don’t think he’s cute? I know all the girls working here are falling for him. And some of the customers too.”
“So? Do I look like I care?” I got distracted again as he came over, asking us if we wanted refills.
“Thanks, Ryutaro-kun. You know, Yuuri was saying how cute he thinks you look, right?” Saya smiled like an angel at me while I focused my attention on her, partly to try to kill her mentally but mostly to avoid looking at the boy next to me.
For the nth time, I wished I remembered Ryutaro worked at Cafe Latte as well before agreeing to meet my sister here. Though it had been a nice surprise to see him, especially in the waiter uniform, it made him look a lot hotter than usual-
“Don’t tease him, Saya-san, that’s my job.” I tensed as Ryutaro patted my head before moving away.
“So what’s your real problem? You came here as soon as school was over right? You didn’t even go home to change,” Saya tactfully changed the subject.
“Ryo-chan’s not talking to me anymore. Neither is Yuuto,” I told her miserably. “M-morimoto-kun tells me to just leave them alone for now, but how can I do that? Ryo-chan’s my best friend a-and Yuuto’s a good friend too.”
“There’s nothing you can do about that. Have you heard the saying, when you fall in love with someone, you lose two people close to you? It’s true, they’ve even done a study on it,” Saya informed me.
“But nee-chan, I’m not in love,” I replied eventually. Two newly filled cups of drinks were placed down and I jolted with surprise, not realizing Ryutaro had come back. He took the empty ones without a word and left to take orders from the table next to us, but not before glancing at me quickly. For some reason, his expression made my heart ache and I had to fight a sudden urge to hug him. “I’m not in love,” I repeated, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Are you sure about that?” Saya asked softly, watching me carefully.
A/N: I'm finally out of New York, meaning I can breathe fresh air once more ♥