Jun 05, 2007 01:20
I've been getting hit on a lot. It's weird. I mean I've had my very modest share when I was younger but these days, the frequency is astounding. Today, I was smoking outside and this guy walking towards me hollers out, "Hey beautiful!" I smile back at him as he's about to reenter the building, then he says my smile is gorgeous and that I'm gorgeous. I'm just smiling and trying to turn back around. But then he asks if he could talk to me for awhile and I say sure. He extends his hand out to introduce himself and I go to shake it and he plants a kiss on my hand! I just started laughing. He said "A queen deserves to be treated like one." I was shaking my head and laughing. He asked for my nationality, where I worked, blah blah blah. He said that I must get hit on 100x times a day, I say no it isn't like that at all and he's like well you must wear a bag over your head if you don't get hit on with your beautiful face. Oh man it was hilarious. He had me rollin' and blushing at the same time. It turns out we work for the same company just different departments. So we walked back upstairs together and as we parted, he asks if there's a man in my life. Of course I say I'm married, to which he responds, you tell him to treat you right. LOL. Oh man. What a hoot.
Last week I got hit on by a man on the elevator. He asked for where I live and my phone number. Oh man.
Catcalls in the sidewalk even when I thought I was looking particularly bad, random comments in the subway, "Hey good lookin'...from Brooklyn..."
My friend and I have been trying to figure out what's different. We've conclude that it could be: 1) the way I carry myself these days, because according to him, I'm more confident with my style, self image, etc. and/or 2) my hair is straight :)
Who knows. But I'm new to this game. Very unfamiliar territory.