Sep 16, 2004 00:49
hmm, been awhile since i've written in this thing huh? well let's see, i love college and i never want to leave, ever. i've made some awesome friends here especially in my dorm. i've met the most wonderful girl and have gotten in touch with some old friends, and frankly i don't miss high school or merrimack one bit. ok, so maybe i miss band a little bit, and a couple of my friends that i haven't seen since graduation. but anyways, what's new w/ me... i'm in the wildcat marching band and it's 10X better than high school marching band. everyone actually cares and is working as hard as they can, and it helps that the director isn't where fun goes to die or the most politically correct bitch on the face of the planet. i'm in symphonic band playing 2nd chair 2nd clarinet, although i think i could've seated higher, but w/e. i made it into the lower jazz band and i'm very excited about that. however, it would be nice to hear from people back home every once in awhile or maybe get a visit sometime, maybe keep me posted on how the band's doing. speaking of the band, good luck with your first game tomorrow guys, i wish i could be there to see it, but i have marching band rehearsal myself and our first game where we play at halftime is saturday, so it wouldn't be good to miss that. i'll try to be home for homecoming, if someone would like to tell me when that is. anyhwo, it's late and i have a class at 9:40 so i will talk to you all later i suppose.
~if i died tomorrow i'd be alright because i believe that after we're gone the spirit carries on.