OOC Notage

Aug 01, 2012 13:46

Hey, y'all --

Been a bit slower than usual on tags this past week or so, and I'm not sure if I'll be more on the ball before this coming weekend. But! It's for just cause :)

My sister's about to move to Indiana for grad school (proud older sister is bursting with pride, the school's top in her field and she's got an assistantship to boot, she's ready to start kicking ass and taking names) and leaves Friday. With damn near all her wordly goods in tow, between her apartment about an hour away and our parents' house. Everything with getting her packed up to go and on her merry way to the Midwest from Maryland is CRAZY right now, and I'm not sure where she's going to be at any given time to see her for a bit before she leaves. Seriously, girl is like a ninja at the moment.

I'll catch up on everything this weekend, in between my own rounds of unpacking, sorting, judging, purging, cataloguing, listing, repacking, stacking, snacking, and probably slacking this weekend while they're all out of here.

(Also -- haha, I love you, cross-posted people who get this twice, sorry for the long-ass message twice in row on the flists <3)