Jun 29, 2008 18:26
spain wins Euro 2008, one - nil over ze germans.
bar's closed because of weather. still on call, though.
Xbox Live was joined last night, BobbyLightXV will be ownership of your socks soon.
other than that, Tommy Twotone and I have been pretty busy kicking ass and taking names.
I did put in the two weeks notice at the Shak. It has since been put on recendance, pending my talks with Mark and management. I really don't want to go, it's just that the powers that be are dicking me around. The customers love me, the regulars do as well, and apparently I'm a threat to some. We shall see.
The new car search is going ok, so far my Jeep hopes are up, but I'm also looking at a Subaru Outback that's around the 2500 range. It looks ok, but I'll get it looked at before I buy.
[segue, before I forget] You ever have one of those surreal moments, that you really can't explain, but you're in the moment, so you're just like "Fuck it, we'll just figure it out later?" Friday night, Twotone shotgun, four girls in the Jeep that I didn't own, heading to the Red Carpet (the local strip club), at 1:30 in the AM. En route, I looked at Twotone, and asked him just what the fuck were we doing. His response?
"Someday, we'll tell our kids how bad ass we were."
I just shrugged and kept driving. Someone had to be the voice of reason. Then we get there, and find both bar GM's and the owner there. Those guys first words?
"Took you fuckers long enough. Want a Red Bull?"
Wow. These things can't be made up. Then all the strippers procede to attempt to mount me. Apparently the word was passed around that it was my birthday. My birthday is six months away. Everything blurs after that point.
I guess the point is, don't look for things to make sense. sometimes it just don't. [/segue]
so I guess the next stop is pictures, so off to Photobucket I go to join.
It's funny the allies you find when you think you have none. let's not get too deep here.
Blazing Saddles is on. think I'll watch. [pax. transend.]
xbox live is the shit,
yay spain!,
in cars,
strippers? strippers!