hollowed out...

Feb 24, 2006 02:43

is how I feel right about now.

Mrs. Carol Palmatary, my 5th grade gifted teacher, died.
i didn't find out until tonight.
I was at huddle house.
I was reading the paper, and saw her name under the names to claim for estates.
my world was rocked, and I shed a tear.

there was a special bond between she and I. she was one of the few teachers who didn't treat me as a freak or a sideshow act, and accually pushed me to be better.
so I'm here, listening to Mos Def's "Umi Says", and he's laying my feelings on wax.

so thank you, Mrs. P, for kickstarting a hunger in me that hasn't abated since. I owe you a debt that I can never repay. I will pay my respects tomorrow.
Put my heart and soul into this song [yes yes]
I hope you feel me
From where I am, to wherever you are
I mean that sincerely - Mos Def, Umi Says

the rest of the day doesn't mean much.
sleep. stair work tomorrow, 7AM. [pax. transend.]

death, palmatary

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