Aftermath: What Trials We Have Faced

Mar 19, 2009 21:00

Hans had been warned, of course, of the dangers of being enchanted. But his participation in the trial had been deemed necessary (once the children were safely put to bed), and he would not shy away from danger when his wife was involved. What was important to her was important to him.

His own title, as Baron, was largely a hereditary one, simply passed through family lines. In the aristocracy, it was the lowest of the ranks and carried little in terms of responsibilities or privileges, even if it did come with a rather nice ancestral castle. But he was not unfamiliar with the workings of politics, of the carefully chosen barbs back and forth, of the compromises needed to make certain that all parties involved were well served.

Served like those responsible for the attack upon his wife had been. The look upon their faces upon hearing just who the judge of their measures had been a guilty, if satisfying, pleasure. He was not, despite what some of the Allies had thought of him, a cruel man. But he believed firmly in justice, and that all would receive their due.

Nevertheless, he had been somewhat unprepared for quite what he had seen. The variety of folk, being able to see them had poked at his mind, made it... itchy, for lack of a better word. Some were far too perfect to be natural, hurt the eyes to see.

And with that now, as that was fading, the images still stayed with him, still weighed upon his mind. He felt smaller, somehow, less for having beheld glories he would have once only ascribed to the angelic. He had always been a man of strong will, but this...

Alcohol, a guilty bit of brandy in coffee (he would regret it when Ali caught him with it, but for now, alcohol and caffeine were helping to steady his nerve), was helping, as he waited in the kitchen while various guests were seen out and on their way home.

He rubbed his temples lightly, feeling the weight of his years and what he had seen, both in his life before, and tonight, settle in on him. He had questions, things he sought to understand about what had gone on here tonight; that he hoped he could have answers for.
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