Morning musings

Dec 07, 2006 10:18

Well, it's morning. Nothing exciting going on except the laundry. It's cool and overcast today. But it is December and it doesn't snow here so I guess I can just enjoy it. I need to go to Portkey and read some H/Hr fic, haven't had enough of that lately. It seems like so long for July, I can't wait to see the OotP movie. It's fun to get the teaser stuff, though.

Glad to have the day off, work is stressful as always. I really enjoy being a nurse but somedays it just seems so thankless. Guess I'm getting close to burnout. Have to regroup and make a new plan, I suppose. Change my attitude? Nah, that doesn't work! Oh well...

How did this year go by so fast? It's really true, the older you get, the faster the time goes. Myself, I think the earth is spinning faster! Hee.

Gotta go for now.

my musings

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