this fridge needs an enema

May 06, 2008 01:39

Yesterday I realized that the fridge seemed awfully warm, and hey, so did the freezer. In fact, things were starting to defrost and spoil. We tossed some stuff last night, but it was fairly clear that most of the stuff in our fridge was going to have to go.

jbsegal and 42itous kindly started the process of clearing out the fridge and freezer. trowa_barton and I finished up after returning from the Crowded House concert at the Somerville Theatre. Boy, talk about a buzzkill.

The fridge is now the cleanest it's been in years. That's swell, but I do wish it weren't because we'd just had to throw away four garbage bags' worth of spoiled food. *sigh* Maybe now the landlord will finally replace the fridge, which was a piece of crap when I moved into this apartment nine years ago this month.

Good times.


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