[x-posted from
I took a bunch of photos during the party on Friday night, and some during the rest of the con as well. I'm inclined to put them up in my journal scrapbook for people to see. However, if you are reading this, had your photo taken, and would prefer not to have the photo online, or if you don't mind as long as it's friends-locked, feel free to let me know here. (If you already replied to the other post, no need to respond again.)
Looking at them, I see I have pix of the following people I recognize:
ablockachinhibitorariesdbedfull_o_bookscandle_lightcathijosephinechocoruacintyberdanceboydesert_borndhsdocoriondrwexfeste_sylvainhappyfunpaulhappypetehygiene_ninjajiapakalessinkissoflifekjc007klingonlandladymagidmiss_chancemoria923mud_puppymycroftnacht_musikolszowkapheromonermdshadesongskreekysweetmmebluetamidontrowa_bartonturtleduckwren13 Also, people I recognize in photos who either aren't on LJ or whose handles aren't known to me:
Derek L.
Drew G.
Henry L.
Thanks to everyone who attended the party and helped make it a fun time!