the Herald is a rag

May 17, 2006 00:16

And some of its readers apparently are none too bright, either. After the Herald's sensationalist hack job on polyamory, it seems that Diesel got a lot of contact, including harassment, over the fact that the poly and poly-friendly folks gather there. Buncha morons. On the plus side, a lot of the usual and not-so-usual folks showed up there tonight, a few friendly-seeming new folks wandered in looking for us, and I saw no actual trolls the whole evening. So, yay for civility and boo for pathetic, cowardly trolls. I'm trying to decide if it's worth my time to write to the Herald to insult the piece and the reporter, whose "journalism" was worse than one might find in the average high school paper; it might only encourage them to think that any smart and/or informed people have read their paper. :-}

news, poly, links

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