resistance made simple(r)

Jan 26, 2017 00:13

Daily Action: "Phoning our legislators, as New York Times recently reported, is an extremely effective way to make our voices heard. That’s where the Daily Action alerts come in. We follow the news cycles closely to determine where we can collectively make the greatest impact. The point of Daily Action alerts is to make civic engagement easy and logistically painless."

Follow up on the Women's March with their 10 Actions in 100 Days campaign. Just sign up and they'll email you with instructions on actions you can take.

Join the Scientists' March on Washington, or sister marches in Boston and Seattle, on March 4th! It sounds like there may be sister marches in many other cities, too. <3 Whether you're an actual scientist or just a fan of evidence-based thinking and policy, let's support the scientific community as Republicans cravenly redouble their attack on reason.

Looks like there is also a People's Climate Movement march planned in DC for Comrade Gropinski's 99th day in office, which would be April 29th. I would not be surprised if that one spawned sister marches as well. Other themed marches in the works include an immigrants' march in DC on April 8th and a the rich asshole Taxes March on April 15th.

Read this handy critical thinking cheatsheet, courtesy of the Global Digital Citizen Foundation. I've printed it out and hung it on my cube wall at work. Spread it around! There's a desperate need for it these days.

See something? Say ProPublica, who says, "We’re investigative journalists devoted to exposing abuse of power. If you’ve got evidence showing powerful people doing the wrong thing, here’s how to let us know while protecting your identity."

Support Planned Parenthood by purchasing "alternative facts" from Chuck Tingle's Alternative Facts Warehouse!

Got an account with one of the banks involved in funding DAPL? Consider divesting from it, or contacting any/all of them to tell them why they suck.

You can install Countable on your phone, an app "that makes it easy to pester your Congressmember. There are other apps out there for similar purposes.

Thinking ahead, realize that Sen. Elizabeth Warren could be more vulnerable than we would have thought, commit to supporting her re-election in 2018. We CANNOT be complacent. Not even here in Massachusetts. We need her in the Senate, even if you're pissed that she threw her support behind Clinton (or, for that matter, voted for Ben Carson's HUD confirmation -- you can read her reasoning . Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and don't let enemies of the good goad us into shooting ourselves in the foot. Eyes on the prize, people.

And definitely check out Swing Left to "find your closest Swing District and join its team to learn about actionable opportunities to support progressives-and defeat Republicans-in that district, no matter where you live." I signed up for updates on both my closest Democratic-controlled and closest Republican-controlled districts. We have to build that support starting NOW.

ETA: Do you get anxious at the thought of calling your elected representatives? If so, check out this useful guide to calling your representatives when you have social anxiety. I myself have some amount of phone anxiety and can attest that these suggestions are helpful.

ETA: Also, don't forget self-care. Read this piece, "How to #StayOutraged Without Losing Your Mind": "Professional organizers and veteran activists have strategies for staying sane during a long fight. If you’re serious about sticking it out in the picket lines for the duration of the Trump presidency, you’re going to have to learn these strategies or else burn out in the first six months."

politics, activism, links

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