A list that could not possibly be comprehensive enough:
The Orange Asshole
Everyone who voted for the Orange Asshole and supported him in other ways
People who defend him (and other sexual predators) and victim-blame women because they happen to like him
Republicans, especially those who just rolled over for him
Putin and other Russians who interfered in our election
Anyone who ever engaged in red-baiting and now defends Putin because it's politically convenient for them to do so
The extreme hypocrisy of the right wing
Stochastic cruelty
Bigotry in all its forms, especially white and Christian supremacy and misogyny
People who didn't vote when they could have
Idiotic internet trolls and the people who enable and encourage them
Clinton & staff's campaign miscalculations
DNC's miscalculations and favoritism stoking cynicism amongst people who should have been their base
Voter suppression
The whole fucking election cycle
The media largely failing to do its job properly (both during the election and in the aftermath)
Death, so much death, so much of it untimely -- friends, friends' friends, friends' family, beloved celebrities
Cancer, always
Losing three friends to cancer this year alone --
iamlisabee, and Colleen K.
Several more people I know receiving diagnoses of cancer
Everything that happened to
thespian this year at Corey Hell even before she was diagnosed with cancer and died 5 days later
Having to plan
thespian's memorial (though the memorial itself went quite well)
Trying to figure out what to do with her stuff (this is still not sorted and may not be for a long time)
Bill collectors ignoring the fact that she was ill and incapacitated
Incompetent staff at Corey Hell
Terrorism, both domestic and foreign -- Nice, Berlin, Turkey, Paris, too many horrific acts for me to even remember specifically
ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/whatever the fuck they're calling themselves and other terrorist groups
Religious extremists of all stripes
The refugee crisis, Syrian and otherwise
Refugees being exploited and targeted, and dying
Gun violence -- the Orlando Pulse massacre, the San Bernardino massacre, and so much more
Politicians who mouth religious platitudes in the aftermath of mass shootings but refuse to do anything else about gun violence or availability of mental health treatment
Police brutality
Police getting away with brutality and rape and murder
People who defend racism and police brutality
White privilege
People who deny white privilege
People who think their "faith" entitles them to deny rights to people they dislike
Natural disasters
Climate changing for the worse
Weather disasters
Rampant denial of climate change on the right
The DAPL project and the brutalization of protesters at Standing Rock
Back pain
Randomly-displaceable body parts
Health anxiety
Packing and moving (though the end result was good, the process sucked)
Trowa getting laid off very suddenly
Car accident (minor, but still sucks)
Feeling more socially isolated/dissociated this year
Profound anxiety over what 2017 will be like
In conclusion: