Nov 30, 2016 16:00
Last week there was a postcard avalanche organized on Facebook, urging people around the country to send a postcard to the Orange One via his business, saying only, "Not Bannon!". Apparently tens of thousands of people (including me!) participated in this action. Now someone else has decided to do something similar, this time sending postcards to Rep. Jason Chaffetz to pressure him to investigate the Orange One's conflicts of interest.
Here are the details (copypasta...I did not write this): Here is the NEXT POSTCARD AVALANCHE! Please, please, please pass it on.
If you use a postcard from your state that is great but ANY postcard is great! POSTCARD AVALANCHES GET MEDIA ATTENTION AND HELP APPLY PRESSURE! All of this is a "BOTH/AND" approach to activism...each of us applying pressure from all sides in every way we can. Call your local paper or news station and let them know this is happening. We need to MAKE the news ourselves now :)
To be sent Nov. 30-Dec. 2!
Attn: Chairman Jason Chaffetz
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Chaffetz said he was going to investigate the rich asshole's conflicts of interest but he has since backed off in spite of people calling constantly. People are also doing a twitter hashtag action that includes the media. PLEASE DO NOT BE DISTRACTED BY DT SAYING HE IS GIVING BUSINESS TO [HIS] CHILDREN! ALL THE REPORTERS I READ ARE STILL SAYING HE MUST BE INVESTIGATED BY PROPER COMMITTEE AND THIS IS ANOTHER ONE OF HIS DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES! Chaffetz MUST investigate!
One of the organizers of the anti-Bannon avalanche chimed in with this: Just to be clear - this event is not being run by the organizers of the original Postcard Avalanche event. It does seem to be a worthy target. If you all do this, include your return address on the card. In this case it is needed.
Said organizer is also putting together a Facebook group for future postcard actions. I don't want to put that in a public post, since I did not learn about it in a public post, but if you are on Facebook and want to know about it, ping me there and I'll pass on the info.