Biiiig post comin' in. ... well, kinda, sorta. >>; I have herein some icons that were requested because I felt like making icons. 8D And bothered a few friends. So yeah~! I was trying out some new stuff and it's kinda obvious in this post. I had fun, though, as always.
Other icons are just oldies or random ones. Yadda.
Oh, the Saiyuki icons are from a project I dropped. I was gonna icon everyone a good amount, buuuuuut. Oh well. Distractions + little interest to do so = not getting done. x)
rules → comments are appreciated → credit to either hammer_space or unite is necessary → no modifying these icons. they’re textless for a reason → don’t redistribute, credit or not → resources found on user info → feel free to watch/friend this community; please do!