8th post; icons

Feb 20, 2007 02:45

Sooo... the latest of the ToS manga not only brought me to SCARED TEARS OF OMG DON'T KILL THAT PERSON DDDDX, but also~ to inspiration for icons AT LAST ! >F I've been totally slacking lately, though college tends to make one do that D:

The Xenosaga ones are just of Shion, sorry. >; I made them with the idea I'd RP her somewhere, but... well, she turned into a bitch I don't have enough confidence to. :X Allen/Shion OTP!

Small bouts of Kingdom Hearts icons for RP, and the Asian icons are for RP as well, though they're real people, so hey, why not put them up? The first are of Cyndi Wang Xin Ling and the second is Park Ji Yoon. They might have fans. >>; Or the characters I play with their faces might have fans! Doubtful, but who knows! 8D!

→ comments are appreciated
→ credit to either hammer_space or unite is necessary
→ no modifying these icons. they’re textless for a reason
→ don’t redistribute, credit or not
→ resources found on user info
→ feel free to watch/friend this community; please do!

tales of symphonia → 39
xenosaga → 11
kingdom hearts → 7
misc → 39

「tales of symphonia」


「kingdom hearts」


♥ the last Orihime icon won MODS CHOICE for week 61 - four letter words in anime-itest

feel free to friend this journal for more

don't forget to credit

xenosaga, icons, kingdom hearts ii, tales of symphonia

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