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Photovoltaic shingles are the newest and most interesting choices of solar panel technologies to hit the renewable power market in years. Solar energy is quickly becoming the alternative energy choice for many house owners and several new products currently have been introduced to make adding one of these simple systems less difficult.
Photovoltaic shingles are designed to be installed on a home like standard shingles and do away with the requirement of much bigger, roof-mounted residential solar panels. They furnish identical performance as traditional solar power systems and can do quite a cost-effective job of converting sun light to solar power
This means they are great for first time development. It would be nice if many new houses included photovoltaic shingles installed on them. Take into account the amount of clean electrical power we could crank out. In addition take into consideration the cost savings from your electrical company as well as on taxes associated with your electric invoice you won’t need to have to pay.
These new solar shingles are made possible by freshly released developments in flexible solar panel technology that makes use of an alternative method for creating the actual solar cells. Regular solar energy panels use silicon cells that are grown as fragile crystals over a week or more, then applied to a support material and installed inside a weatherproof case for use.
The improved photovoltaic shingles are actually produced by applying a unique silicon solution onto a flexible substrate and creating the solar cells right on the surface of the shingle. Once these components has been applied to the shingle, another protecting coating of invisable sealer is added onto the surface to protect the solar cells from the weather. These photovoltaic shingles are meant to appear similar to standard shingles and are installed in the same way.
Besides the cosmetic benefits of these new photovoltaic shingles turned out to be for a home, also , they are more resilient than the usual conventional solar panel in a number of important ways. Due tothe fact they are mounted to the roof directly, they’re able to hold more weight than the usual normal solar panel.
This is important in colder climates in which heavy snow can twist and destroy a typical solar panel during the winter months. They also lay flat to the roof, which eliminates the potential for damage from excessive winds lifting them off the roof. Traditional residential solar panels need to be very strongly attached in places that have high wind gusts and can still be broken over time by severe gusts.
Another advantage these types of photovoltaic shingles offer is hidden wiring. With traditional solar panels, the cabling between the solar panels and the connection to the house is completed through a conduit that is secured to the roof and outside wall of the house.
This really is an additional unpleasant element to regular solar panels. Because the photovoltaic shingles are mounted flat to the roof and their wires is inserted through the roof itself and finished in the attic, there is no exposed wires, which produces a more durable and aesthetically pleasing installation.
Since retrofitting existing house is still cost prohibitive, think about making your own solar panels as a replacement. They will last you Two decades or maybe more and with today’s technologies should pay you back again in less than 15 years.
For further information on photovoltaic shingles and how to make a solar panel
Check out my Blog at www.DIY-MakeSolarPanel.com.
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