Available Technology to Help Make Home Lighting More Eco-Friendly

Nov 13, 2009 06:20

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Everyday we have chioces to make that can help the health of our planet.  It seems that there is never enough time to do everything that we can or want to do. Some choices we know, and it’s just a matter of using them.  We buy reusable shopping bags and all we need to do is remember to bring them to the store every time we shop - easy enough, right?

Not everything is this simple, however.  For example, we can open our window shades to let in light, but should close them when the sun beats in so we don’t have to kick up the air conditioner to compensate.  It is also a good idea to get in the habit of turning lights off when you leave the room and only turning them on when they need to be on.  All of these little things can add up, but can also take a toll on someone trying to be green - after all the idea is to be green not gray!   This is where automation can help - it takes care of the details for us on a daily basis.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways that you can automate your home windows to create a more eco-friendly home.   The simplest are timer controlled automatic shades.  These are exactly what they sound like: a set of blinds or shades that have a timer-controlled motor.  At a set time of the day the shades or blinds will open or close, helping maintain climate control and preserving you furniture from fading. You may be wondering how effective this can be considering that the angle of the daylight changes throughout the day - photocell shades provide you with an answer and solution.  These shades work in the same manner but replace the time with a photocell, designed to open and close at set light levels.

The choices that we make when it comes to lighting our house can also have environmental impacts. Perhaps the most common ways that the average consumer can “go green” is by using organic cotton bags or installing compact florescent bulbs in their lights at home. They are slightly more expensive and have some disposal issues, but do save energy over standard bulbs. While changing your light bulbs to CFLs is a great first step, realize that there are several other things that can be done.

It can be a real hassle making sure your lights are on only as much as absolutely necessary. Families with children will find this to be especially challenging.  It can be a constant battle teaching young children to switch off lights that are not needed.  A motion sensor light in the bathroom is a good place to start. If the child walks out, it can be programmed to go off a short time delay.  Not having to fumble around in the dark looking for the light switch also provides some additional safety benefits. How about no lights at all during the day?

Light tubes are relatively inexpensive skylights that consist of a rooftop lens, a reflective light tube and a dispersal lens at the base.  They are sized to fit between rafters, so no expensive carpentry is needed to install them.  During the day, hallways stay lit or rooms are assisted with a boost of natural light.  The cost is about the same as a high quality floor lamp, but cost nothing to run.

By installing some smart devices; auto dimming shades, light controls and even doing away with lights, you can save money, and live eco friendly.

Mirrored from Mindzle - Living Green Smart - Sustainable Living Articles.

eco-friendly living, reusable bags, green living, environment, reusable-shopping-bags

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