Feb 06, 2006 23:04
computer is fixed! hallelujah! phew. but i think the audio drivers aren't installed yet because i have been unable to coax sound out of them. hmm.
the superbowl wasn't very exciting. i napped and ate a lot of beans. mmmmm.
today was stressful, but i was able to discover that crunchy corn bran + purple gatorade = blueberry muffin taste. thanks, tracy traffic, for enabling me to stumble upon that discovery. i don't like leaving the bay area the same day i have school. breaks up my crazy, obsessive-compulsive routine and i freak out a little. on the upside, i discovered that i can surprisingly easily find parking around 12noon, which was a relief.
now i'm nervous about tomorrow. i've wasted yet another evening on the tv and being nervous about unfamiliar sounds around the house. so, the homework is undone and outfit for tomorrow only half planned. curse you jelli, not being here to give me fashion advice for my big interview! except that it's not an interview. it's an amorphous meeting. well, not really amorphous, but i've technically got the job, but no hours or duties are as yet figured out, and i haven't even met my supervisors yet. all that will happen tomorrow. eeks. i'm super excited about the possibilities and the opportunity to work in museum (and a small, local one at that!), but the process of adjusting to a new work environment is always a bit stressful for me. on the other hand, i can't wait until my schedule is actually settled and not so up in the air anymore.
i've got some more photos to take for class this week. thanks to mr. courtney and his crazy problem-solving packets in high school photo class, i've already got some more ideas lined up, so i'm not very worried.
ok! to work!