Apr 22, 2006 13:43
I just got this in my inbox:
Please note: This message is not SPAM. A friend or colleague has sent this invitation to you.
Dear Officialy retarded!,
Aussie has just shared his/her messenger at www.SHAREDmessenger.com and you are one of the people that were selected to be a part of Aussie's SHAREDmessenger network. To accept this invitation just create a profile at www.SHAREDmessenger.com and you will automatically get linked to Aussie's SHAREDmessenger.
If you want to stop receiving invitations from friends and colleagues which would like you to join them at SHAREDmessenger.com then please click the following link:
Stop sending me invitations
Yours sincerely
Now, this must be from someone who knows me, as the called me "Officialy Retarded" but I don't know any Aussie's. I was gonna sign up untill it asked me for my email password... NOT GOOD. Anyone else know what this is?