(no subject)

Feb 05, 2004 19:44

Ahh, it took me so long to figure out even what this quiz like thing meant! crazy..

OCIALITE ALIAS = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied
Lala Albuqueruqe

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS (a la J. Lo) = First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name

DIVA ALIAS = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen
luckycharms detergent

GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS = Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to School
mouse Ahs

BARFLY ALIAS = Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink
Chex mix apple cider

SOAP OPERA ALIAS = Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived
Rebecca Solano

PORN STAR ALIAS = First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On
Agnes Solano

JEDI NAME = First 3 letters of your last name + first 2 letters of your first name, First 2 letters of your
mother's maiden name + the first 3 letters of your hometown
Schelzw A
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