Showed Out

Aug 15, 2006 02:01

The past week might be the first eventful one of the summer. Blog worthy. So here it is:

The RAH RAH RAH band finshed recording their EP in my house. From what I've been told, and from what I expected, the shit has been selling the way Sparky Wheels sell to Nick when he's got his swerve on at 3:00am. i.e,. THAT SHIT SELLS ITSELF!!! All the proceeds are going to the kid that plays lead guitar's first week long coke binge. Wait for the next show when they are all wrecked on shnay with pissed pants telling everyone in the audience to go fuck themselves cause "We're RAH RAHeeekkked YOU BITCH ASS MUTHAFUCKAS!!!"

I even got a thank you credit on the CD, which was awfully nice of them...


On thursday night, in Saskatoon, at midnight, I witnessed A SILVER MT. ZION AND MUTHAFUCKIN TRA LAA LAA BAND!!! It was soo fucking loud and good that my ears pooped, as well as I in my pants when they played "Take These Hands and Throw Them in the River". Unfortunely, the crowd at the show sucked and Mt. Zion walked off after their set list was over, probably never to be seen again, sans encore. Bummer.

Then Wolf Parade played all their "hits" on Saturday in Reginatown. Everyone ate that shit up the way Nick eats blah blah blah...humptys...3 in the morning, ect. Yeah, WRONG FUCKING SHOW YOU ASSHOLES! Bummer. Fortunatly, M. Dawson and Company got me super shit faced for free, so I kinda made all the money back I spent on the ticket for the show. (Whatever my opinions, a big hug is owed to my specailist bestest buddy lee for leaving me the ticket with the charming envelope and I will get you the monies for that ticket soon, say today, if you are reading this tuesday - when we spend Vador time together)

This was also the weekend of the Folk festival, at which The Rah Rah rah band - sans kilo of cocaine - were excellent and stole the show from all the lazy, sad-sack, veteran singer/songwriter types. I mean jesus, I would be fucking depressed if I was 40 years old, mopping in my little stool with my fucking jambee and shit about remembering "my grandfather's hands" and my dead friend/ fucking dog who is "the angel watching over me", while three 17 year old kids killed it and put me in my fucking place. I also watched Feast play on Sunday night from beyond the gates. I was thouroughly dissappointed with her as well. Ok. That's enough for now.

And that's why, you always leave a note/never yell.

never teach a lesson

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