
Mar 05, 2005 22:58

track meet today. i'd rather not talk about it, actually. It was a big waste of time, for me at least.

happy 18th birthday sara bernstein!

Went to a birthday party! woo! soo much fun! Played some catchphrase.. incorrectly.. but still very fun. Played some DDR. Pow wow for the girls in sara's room. I found out so much about sara tonight that i never knew. I'm really hoping that she, elizabeth, and i all get a lot closer. With me almost getting my lisence and sara already having hers, i have a feeling it won't be too difficult for us to get together on occasion. Maybe elizabeth and i could introduce her to our outrageous thrifting sessions. Sara got this awesome prom dress.. and i have this brilliant plan for elizabeth and i to go over to her house for a day and do her hair and make up.. sort of as a practice run. Then if she likes it- she could save some big bucks on prom night! Brilliant.. aren't I?

I definitely need to teach elizabeth how to like coffee. I don't really know how that works.. but i'm sure i could figure out a way. It can't be that hard. I'll just force it down her throat until she begins to enjoy it. I'm such a good person.

Do you all remember the 'don't forget to wear your sunscreen' speech? Well i've been listening to it. It makes me really happy. And it also makes me want to make my own version and read it to my graduating class. I know for a fact that if somebody read it at our graduation that i would cry.

I've been sneezing every 2 minutes for the past few days. It is really getting on my nerves.

I had a conversation with somebody on the bus this morning to the meet at kent. It was quite unusual for me. People used to not talk to me. What happened? I'm actually acquiring friends this year, and it feel so strange. It's nice to have people that listen to me. We talked mostly about Mark. We both miss him. I, of course, miss him in an entirely different way than her.. but it was still a very nice conversation. Neither of us understand why he puts himself through what he does. He's such a good person, and he acts like he's not. Like he doesn't deserve better than what he has. I just don't understand that. There's so many people that think they are so undeserving of their relationships. I don't understand it one bit. He deserves a girl that will appreciate him and love him. Not somebody that puts him down and argues. It's just not fair to him. But he's happy. i guess. So i'm happy for him. i guess.

Worship team tomorrow morning. I'm really looking foreward to it. There are so many people coming to see it. I'm so happy! My whole youth group (or at least all the cool people) are going to the 9 o'clock service. Then the Bakers are going to one of the services. Then my girls are coming to the 11 service! It is so nice to know that all those people care about something like that. I'm really glad that I started talking to Andrew in the summer. If I didn't.. my faith would be a lot different. Not necessarily worse or better. Just different. He has made me see things in entirely new ways. He's a really amazing person. I can honestly say that i truly admire him.
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