
Mar 29, 2010 18:09

Would you rather be stuck on an island with 10 girls or guys? Why? .Guys are better at doing manly things, such as setting fires and stuff and I generally get along better with guys.

Tell me a random memory about your best female friend? God, there are so many! One of the best is the 2008 NBA finals. The Celtics beat the Pistons and went on to play the Lakers, so I rooted for the Lakers because I was mad at the Celtics. I guess she was so mad that during a commercial, we both really had to pee and we had to hurry so I had to pee outside while she used the bathroom, and she locked me out. I tried climbing the roof to get back in and broke one of my favorite purple boots in the process!

Tell me a random memory about your best male friend? Shrooms downtown on the bridge. He hugged me and the weather was so warm and the lights were so pretty and even though I'm generally a little scared on bridges I felt so safe. That entire day and night was one of my favorites, and even though I was all loopy and high, I will always remember.

Are you currently reading anything? Why did you chose to read it? God, no. I need a book to read. I've read all of mine! :(

Do you prefer waterslides or rollercoasters? Is there a reason? Rollercoasters! I had the greatest time of my life, I think, at Cedar Point last summer. Rode the rollercoasters for the first time in my life <3

What did you do yesterday? Woke up, drank coffee, computered, watched some of the MSU game[yay Spartans!], went to work until 9pm, came home, drank/hung out with Jared/Abi/Rryhuhn, watched the Office, ate pizza with John Bailey, slept.

Do you like writing stories or reading them better? Both!

What, other than music, is your "outlet"? Writing. I write every day. I like that I can get everything out without the world knowing.

Are you one of the people who believes their iPod/music is their life? Music is great and I couldn't live without it, but it's not life. Life is so much more.

The last person you talked to on the phone and the last person you held hands with are in a burning building and you can only save one; who? Definitely the one I held hands with.

Are you wasting your time with the person you like right now? Absolutely not.

Do you drink coffee and if so, how do you take it? I drink coffee probably every day, and I like it black - unless it's a latte or a cappuccino or something.

What was the last song you had on repeat for more than 10 minutes? "The Purple Bottle" - Animal Collective. It's probably one of my top 5 favorite songs of all time.

Is there anyone you used to have a crush on that you'd be embarrassed to admit to now? Haha, God yes. But I'm sure they all know.

Is your iPod always charged, or do you leave it dead for a while? I don't have an Ipod. But I've wanted one for forever! :(

Do you like long car rides, or do they bore you? I love them if the people I'm with are fun!

Are you hard to make conversation with? I'm really shy at first, unless we have something in common or if I'm loopy :s

Do you live alone? I live with my parents, my sister/bff, my brother, my boyfriend, my son [Bagel!], and this bitch Sadie ;).

Last movie you saw in theaters, with who? The Men Who Stare At Goats and Up In The Air with John Bailey, Theo [COME BACK! ):] and Silas. I think that's it. I think Liz might have been there, too?

Where are you right now? My bedroom.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? I'd love to be at the park, or something. It's beautiful outside!

How many pills do you take a day? What are they? I used to take an iron pill everyday, because I have really low iron, but I lost them :|. Now I just take an energy pill, mostly every day.

Have you ever smoked heroin? I have not.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee. If I work, I pretty much always buy a Powerade Zero when I go in.

What's your favorite piece of jewelery? My hemp necklace with a blown glass bead that my boo got for me. Also, my #7 bead. My lucky number! Also, I love the red yarn bracelet with the penny that was also given to me by my boo :)

What's one thing you hate about yourself? I am very insecure and self conscious.

What would you like to accomplish in the next two weeks? Saving money, getting back on track.

Current worry? Let me count ...

Current hate? That I have to work all day on Saturday, and it's supposed to be really nice outside. But I'm finally getting hours, and I love that.

Favorite place to be? Where the love is!

What color shirt are you wearing? I'm wearing a 70's print brown, orange and white dress :)

Can you whistle? Kinda. I suck in, though.

What's in your pocket right now? No pockets.

Do you love where you live? I love East Hills!

How many TVs do you have in your house? 1 in the living room, 1 in Kacey's room, 1 in Benji's room, 1 in my room.

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? "I HAVE A BAILS, NOBODY ELSE DOES!" ;)

PAUSE [currently]
1. What style is your hair in?: Dreads are up in a messy bun thing and I'm wearing a homemade crocheted headband-hair wrap thingie.
2. What are you wearing?: 70's style print brown/orange/white dress over a black tee, black tights, brown boots.
3. What's the weather like outside?: Sunny and warm enough for me :)
4. What time is it?: 5:43pm
5. What day of the week is it?: Monday
6. What are you sitting on?: A chair ...
7. Who, if anyone, is in the room with you?: All by my lonesome.
8. What's on your mind?: I want to be outside!
9. What makeup, if any, are you wearing?: None
10. What month is it?: March
11. What career do you want? If that doesn't work out, what's your back up plan?: Oh jeez, I still have no idea. I love to write, I love animals, I love photography, I love fashion. I have no idea.
12. What age do you think you'll get married at?: I don't know.
13. What about have kids?: I don't plan on kids anytime soon.
14. How many do you want?: I always wanted daughters. 1 or 2 at max, that is if I can even have kids or want kids.
15. Can you see yourself moving away from here? To where?: Grand Rapids can get boring, but it's not as bad as people say it is. I'd like to get away for a while, though, for sure.
16. Do you think you love your current significant other?: I know.
17. Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week?: Warmer!
18. What tattoos/piercings do you have/want?: I want an Irish claddagh on my lower arm to cover my scar and also I want my baby Bagel's paw prints under my collarbones. I have some others in mind, too. I'm done with piercings, though..
19. Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it?: Knowing me, yes.
20. In 10 years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself?: 31 ... Jesus, I don't want to think about it.
REWIND [past]
21. Last time you took a shower?: Day-before-yesterday
22. Last text message you sent?: "With Kace getting her check. Okay!"
23. What did you do today?: Woke up, smoked, drank coffee, ate toast, computer, music, went to my store, made baked goods, went to Pizza Hut on Wealthy with Kace to get her check, wealthy market for a Arizona tea, home..
24. How old were you when you first started dating?: 20 ... :)
25. Last time you saw your best friend?: about an hour ago.
26. What was your first word?: I'm not sure. I'll ask.
27. What's your earliest memory?: Swinging on my baby swing, watching my older siblings play in the backyard while drinking kool-aid from my baby bottle.
28. Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago?: Sleeping.
29. Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now?: Some things I still wear from back then, but I've been dressing more girly these days.
30. How old were you when your first younger sibling was born (assuming you're not the youngest or an only child)?: Don't assume. I am the youngest :)
EJECT [crappy stuff you wish didn't happen]
31. Your first serious breakup... how did it go?: I've never been broken up with/broken up with someone. I am in my first relationship [5th grade does not count.]
32. Ever had an eating disorder?: Yes.
33. Ever cut yourself?: Yup. Dumb.
34. Ever thought about or attempted suicide?: Not that I remember.
35. What was the most depressing point in your life so far?: I don't care to share that with everyone.
36. Last thing you cried about?: Confusion, not knowing.
37. What's one thing that's stressing you out like crazy right now?: Being sued over medical bills, probation stuff, personal stuff.
38. Ever had a horrible teacher/boss?: Yes and yes.
39. The first time you dumped someone, was it hard?: n/a
40. Do you regret who you lost your virginity to?: Absolutely not.
RECORD [awesome stuff that deserves to be recorded on video forevaaaa]
41. Last time you laughed really hard? What was it about?: I think it was 2 or 3 nights ago, and I laughed so hard it hurt and I spit out beer. It was at Theo's, and I don't remember what it was, but Kacey sad something HILARIOUS.
42. Last funny movie you saw?: Some Jean - Claude Van Damme movie from the 80's last night. And I'm not sure it was supposed to be funny ...
43. What's one of you and your best friend's weirdest but funniest inside jokes?: There are WAY TOO MANY.
44. Last time you ate something really delicious, what was it?: Pizza, last night. Cheese, tomato, black olives, mushrooms.
45. Last time you got your paycheck, how much was it? Were you satisfied with it?: $140 something? Yes, I was satisfied.
46. How, exactly, did you and your best friend meet?: I was born and she was 2 and we just meshed!
47. What was the last compliment you received? Who?: "I love your hair!" some customer at work.
48. Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?: Yup!.
49. The last time you got a really good bargain, what was it on?: I got pretzels, cigarettes, and cake mix today for $6 something :)
50. What's one thing you wish you could re-live, just for one day?: All the days I made mistakes, so I could just THINK before I do.

surveys, bored, lists

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