Er... hey guys...

Apr 02, 2011 12:01

 So, I dunno if you guys have noticed, but I like never post here anymore. I still come and check in on all my friends' stuff but that's pretty much it. Sorry for not commenting or anything. I really need to start doing that again.

But I just wanted you all to know that, even though I don't really post here, I post a lot more on tumblr. The posting style of tumblr is just a lot easier for me to deal with and I find I spend a lot more time there than I do on lj, anyway. I've got a few (one of which I share with my friend). If you have a tumblr, please come and follow me there if you're at all interested.

Here are the links:
Art/Design tumblr -
Real life tumblr -
Shared tumblr full of BS and gifs -
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