Today I feel like being completely unproductive. I just want to play video games and surf the interbutts and watch movies and bake. However I need to go to the post office and I need to call people about Craigslist stuff and look for jobs and apartments and do responsible things so that I'm not living out on the streets (or have to move back in with my parents). However it's Friday and I've been working my ass of trying to find jobs and getting in contact with people about apartments all week so I'm going to take it a little easier today. Starting off with 2 silly memes to waste time.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
1. In the Spring I graduated with a BA in design with a concentration in design production. All year until about March/April I had intended on going to Korea and teaching English because that's where my (then) boyfriend lives. I stupidly didn't prepare anything for a future design career because I was focusing so much on getting a job in Korea. After a lot of drama and breaking up with my (then) boyfriend, I stayed in America and I feel like I've fallen horribly behind everyone else I graduated with because I was being an idiot and not preparing for my future.
2. I have a pet rabbit, Rorschach. I have my suspicions that she is very aware of how adorable she is and uses that knowledge for evil. I felt like I had made a lot of progress with her, helping her to be less aggressive and more tolerant of being picked up... but then I had to send her to my parents' house and everything that I had done to try and help her was reversed and I got her back in a worst mental state that I had initially started with. We're trying to get her
3. Ever since I could remember and before I even REALLY understood it completely, I have been deathly terrified of being raped. When I was an extremely young child, I wasn't afraid of monsters or ghosts or anything, I was afraid of people.
4. I love it when houses lose power during storms. The idea of using candles and flashlights, breaking out a board game and not really having any distractions from the people you are with is really fun to me.
5. I've recently realized that if I don't work out, I am noticeably a lot more depressed at the end of the day.
6. I LOVE orchestral adaptations of rock music.
7. If I am upset, it usually takes something like 10 tries of asking what's wrong before I start to let up. It's not that I don't trust people with information or anything, it's just that I hate bothering people with my problems... and I frequently don't even really know what is bothering me until I've thought about it for a while.
8. I completely don't understand it when someone dislikes something just because it's too popular or it's a trend. To me, it's the same thing as liking something because it's popular or a trend. There's gotta be more reason than that to like or dislike something.
9. I really need/want a job and I'm tired of being too poor to buy decent food.
layer 1: on the outside.
name: Nastasya
current location: my room
hair color: Dark brown
righty/lefty: righty
layer 2: on the inside.
your fear: Dying alone
your dream of the perfect date: Taking a long walk while holding hands, stopping somewhere for coffee and doughnuts, watching the sunset, coming home and watching a cheesy horror movie and making dinner together.
goals you’d like to achieve: Travel. A lot. Get a good, secure job where I can gain lots of connections so I will be able to move around easily. Get a dog. Get a children's book published.
layer 3: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
your thoughts first waking up: I gotta pee.
your best physical feature: Er... eyes? They're at least different from most people's.
your bed time: Whenever I want but I usually get sleepy around 11
your most missed memory: Missed memory? I don't understand. =/ My fondest memory in recent history is the very early morning of June 3rd.
layer 4: your pick.
pepsi or coke: Coke but I don't really like soda in general
mcdonald’s or burger king: McDonald's
single or group dates: single
adidas or nike: Mreh I'm not picky
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
layer 5: do you.
smoke cigarettes: Gross. No.
smoke pot: I have but I have certainly not made a habit of it.
take showers: yes
have a crush: Keanu Reeves
like school: Yes. I miss it sometimes. I like learning
believe in yourself: sometimes
believe what goes around comes around: Yes but not always, I suppose
believe everything happens for a reason: That's a toughy. I'm going to say no. Things happen and you make of it what you can... usually things turn out for the best, or at least well, making it seem like everything happens for a reason.
think you’re a health freak: I try to be healthy but I really don't think I'd call myself a freak about it. I like junk food way too much.
layer 6: in the past month.
gone to the mall: yes
been on stage: no
eaten sushi: ... no... I think.
been hurt: Physically, sure but nothing serious. Emotionally, eh.
dyed your hair: Nope
layer 7: have you ever.
played a stripping game: Yes
kissed the same sex: Yes
got beaten up: No
changed who you were to fit in: No
layer 8: getting old.
age you’re hoping to be married by: It'll happen when it happens.
number of kids you’re planning on having: Hopefully no more than 2
layer 9: in a girl/guy.
best eye color: Doesn't matter
hair color: darker
looks or personality: ... personality...?
fun or serious: There is a time and place for everything.
layer 10: what were you doing.
1 minute ago: Filling out this meme
1 hour ago: Looking at various Tumblogs
1 week ago: Uuuh.... I don't remember
1 year ago: Probably in some class
layer 11: finish the sentence.
i feel: alright
i hate: Greedy people who don't think
i need: a job
i hide: information from people who don't need to know it
i love: some very special people
layer 12: favorites.
band: Muse
colour: Greyish blue
food: Korean and pretty much anything Chris makes is amazing
thing to do: anything creative or outside
layer 13: random.
how long have you known your best friend?: 10 years
when’s the last time you kissed someone?: This morning
what are you excited for?: Diana to get here :3
do you have any saved texts on your phone?: I've got a bunch there that have been saved just because I haven't deleted them yet.