Holidays + Character meme

Dec 28, 2009 17:05

This would be me (in the front) riding a camel. Awww yeaaah...

I saw a couple of movies recently. Avatar on my birthday and the Sherlock Holmes for Christmas.
Avatar - It was really beautiful and amazing looking. The story wasn't really anything phenomenal or special, but I liked it. I didn't see it in IMAX on my birthday, though. I'll probably do that sometime soon. I think it's worth a watch again to see it in 3D.
Sherlock Holmes - Amazing. It was so funny and clever and Robert Downey Jr. was hilariously awesome as Sherlock.

Anyway... Christmas is over. It was actually really good. Our family gathering wasn't nearly as dramatic and awkward as it normally was. It was actually pretty fun and my parents had very little, if any, complaints at the end of the night. Here is the haul :
  • Parents got me a ZuneHD - YAY!
  • Lisa (sister) got me some gloves, "Mail Me Art", "Zombies : A Record of the Year of Infection", The Office themed Clue (these were both for birthday and Christmas)
  • My uncle gave me a GIGANTIC drafting table that he got from a buddy at work. I have no idea when I'll actually be able to use it since there is no way I can take it up to school and even if I got it up there, it would probably take up about 75% of my room.
  • Money from grandparents
  • Bracelet from the aunt
The haul in general wasn't as extensive as it usually is, my mom (the person who made most of the money between my parents) hasn't had a job for a couple months now. But I'm really happy with what I got and the fact that I got anything at all. This was probably one of the best Christmases I've had, not so much because of the gifts but because of the time I spent with my family/friends. /cheesy

This New Years Eve, I was supposed to go to a Lady GaGa themed party. Like, you go and dress up like crazy Lady GaGa and get drunk and stuff... but I decided to go the the Cake concert with my dad instead, lol. I think it's going to be awesome and there is a much smaller chance that I'll have a hangover the next morning, which is something I strive for in my everyday life.

Got tagged by zankara and I don't have anything else to do at the moment but read "Catching Fire" which is the sequel to "Hunger Games" which you all should read.

1) Choose one of your own characters (OC). (i did three. it makes it more fun :3)
a. Felix b. Boramy (background) c. Crevan (foreground)
2) Make them answer the following questions.
3) Then tag three people.
4) Feel free to add some questions of your own

00. What are you
Felix: I'm a male er... uh... well ya'see...
Boramy: We're pretty much zombies. We're all male zombies.
Crevan: That's right.

01. How old are you?
Boramy: Died at the age of 26. Been dead for about 250 years.
Felix: I'm, 21, but I've been 21 since 1819...
Crevan: I was killed in the 80s when I was 17.

02. What's your height?
Boramy: *stretches* Tchaaa... I clear 6'3"
Felix: Oh wow! I think I'm only like ah, 5'11"? I haven't measure myself in ages, though. ^^;;;
Crevan: You're still the same height as you were when you died. Dead people don't grow.
Felix: Oh, yeah. Haha...
Crevan: Anyway, I'm 5'9".

03. Do you love someone?
Boramy: Tch... like I'd waste my time on a woman.
Crevan: Indeed. They're far too... volatile.
Boramy: *rolls eyes* Oh yeah. Like you're one to talk about volatility.
Crevan: Excuse me?
Boramy: You're the most emotional little princess I've ever met.
Crevan: At least if I ever even dreamed of getting myself a woman, I could. What creature would ever be attracted to anything with your kind of hygiene?
Boramy: Probably the same kind that would be attracted to your PMS-like mood swings.
Crevan: *lunges for Boramy*
Boramy: OHO! It looks like Princess hasn't taken her Midol today!
Felix: *in the corner* Aah... I've never had the pleasure of meeting a woman who could accept me. But I hope there might be one out there... somewhere.

04. Are you a virgin?
Felix: Em, yes. It's not something I'm particularly attracted to, sex...
Boramy: Though women are generally detestable, they do offer some... uses...
Crevan: No. Women are all pretty much useless.
Boramy: You both are completely gay.

05. Who's your mate/spouse?
Felix: ... I have no one. Except, I do have Darla! She's my rat. She's probably the closest to a mate I'll ever have. ^^; 
Boramy: So... you won't fuck a lady, but you'll have at it with a rat? How does that even work?
Felix: N-no no no!! I just meant that she's my companion! Isn't that pretty much what a mate or spouse is? I mean, other than the whole... sex thing. Right?
Boramy: I never knew you could be so sick and twisted. I'm beginning to think there may be some hope for you.
Felix: I- I uh... It's not how it sounds. I swear.
Boramy: Hey, I'm not judging you! I'm just trying to wrap my head around this whole rat sex thing.
Felix: I don't have sex with ra--
Crevan: Boramy, you're intimidating him. Step away, I think your stench is going to make him faint. He can do whatever he wants with his pets.
Felix: :'(

06. Do you have any kids?
Crevan: Hahahahaha!
Felix: I might have liked some someday. But I don't think that's really possible anymore.
Boramy: I'd probably just end up abandoning or accidentally killing them if they got too annoying.
Felix: :'(

07. What's your favourite food?
Crevan: Meddling kids...
Boramy: Mmm... the flesh of the living.
Felix: *hurk*
Boramy: You're the same as us. What the hell do you live off of?
Felix: Well... sewer rats, birds... definitely not humans! I could never kill someone!
Boramy: Rats? You fuck your food? That's sick, I wouldn't even go there.
Boramy: Fine, fine. Whatever you say...

08. What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
Boramy: Never had it.
Felix: Me neither...
Crevan: ......... Strawberry.

09. Have you killed anyone?
Boramy: How else am I supposed to survive? Bitches usually deserve it too. Everyone's guilty for somethin'.
Crevan: Indeed...
Felix: I uh... maybe? I never meant to do it! Sometimes I just... black out... then...... But... but really, if I had control over myself I would never have...
Boramy: It's happened to all of us, champ. You just gotta learn to accept it and use it.
Felix: It's just not right. There is no point in killing...

10. Do you hate anyone?
Crevan: Only the entire human race.
Boramy: You got that right. We're doing this world a justice, exterminating them.
Felix: I really don't understand either of you. How can you say that?!
Boramy: Look, Lixxy, you really need to realize the situation here. You're the way you are because of them.
Felix: ....

11. What's your weakness?
Crevan: Hmm... can't say that I've experienced any weaknesses yet. However there are still many things I haven't discovered about our current state. Actually, I have found an interesting pattern of our kind in areas with climate such as ours. Perhaps we have a new natural inclination toward this type of weather. This could point to a possible weakness we have against other climates... perhaps those with more extreme temperatures... hmm... I'll have to look into this more...
Boramy: Pretty sure we're just unstoppable.
Felix: I dunno, guys, the fact that we can't really interact with the world is a weakness, don't you think?
Boramy: *stare*
Crevan: *stare*

12. Have any secrets?
Felix: The fact that I'm undead is something I usually try to keep secret... at least from people I think it would scare away... 
Crevan: I wouldn't say that's a secret so much as something that should be kept inconspicuous. In the end, it really gives you the upper hand.
Boramy: Who the fuck cares if we're "undead"?
Felix: We can't just tell everyone! They'll be shocked and then hate us. What if they try to kill us... again?
Crevan: I suppose that will just bring more prey our way then.

13. What is your job?
Felix: 'fraid I can't get a job, not any sort of permanent one anyway. These stitches look suspicious after a while.
Boramy: Hmm... professional human exterminator, at your service.
Crevan: I suppose that makes me assistant professional human exterminator. Although I would hardly call that an actual job, more like a hobby.

14. What do you do to relax?
Felix: Play with my rat, Darla. She's the only thing that can help me relax.
Boramy: Kill. Killing people always makes me feel better.
Crevan: A puzzle or a good, strong game of chess. Although I haven't had a decent competitor in... ages... *eyes Boramy*
Boramy: Boardgames are for pussies.

15. What's your day to day life like?
Felix: Well, usually I'll go down to 6th ave. downtown and beg for change for a few hours, then I'll go hunting for rats or something. I like to go to the park every now and again unless it's too cold. Then I'll come home and play with Darla.
Boramy: Killing or planning a massacre. Oh but sometimes I like to go the park and ride my bike and blow bubbles. Then I'll come home to my wonderful pet Crevan and play with him for hours! Oh it's so much fuuunnnnn.... =|
Crevan: What... the... fuck... I have to say, boss... you're a prick.
Felix: :(

16. Do you enjoy your life?
Felix: ... My life? I used to love life...
Crevan: ...
Boramy: ...

17. What are/were your parents like?
Felix: Oh well... they weren't exactly the kind of people to stick around... or keep their children, I suppose. I grew up in a wonderful orphanage, though. They were very kind.
Boramy: All that parent and family shit is behind me now. No point in looking back and remembering, it just holds you back.
Crevan: Mom died when I was 13. Dad never quite got over it and blamed me for everything. You can imagine our relationship was never the same afterward.

18. Where would you rather be lost - in a deserted village in the middle of a haunted forest surrounded by undead cults, or in a desert dotted with ruins filled with gold but no available water source?
Boramy: Haunted forest.
Crevan: Haunted forest.
Felix: ...Haunted... forest...

Anyone who I think would actually do this have already been tagged. So you can do this if you want.

meme, life, characters

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