OOC: Contact & Permissions

Apr 27, 2030 20:44

Contact Information

Name: Kelsey
AIM: dinachan321
Email: rpdina@gmail.com
Normal journal: everyoneisemo (mostly for fanfic, rarely used)
Plurk: Same as journal. (also rarely used)
Timezone:US Central/GMT-6
Availability: An awful darn lot during the summer and January, most nights and weekends once school starts up.
Other: Feel free to PM or post stuff for me here. Crit is always welcome on my HMD. <3



Backtagging: Yup!
Threadjacking: Whenever it seems appropriate! I don’t get annoyed by it often but if it seems like a sensitive situation, I’d probably prefer you ask first. Use your best judgment!
Fourthwalling: I'll consider it on a case-to-case basis, just shoot me a line.
Offensive subjects: Weeeell, I'm pretty easygoing. My only hugeomgno squicks are the bathroom-type-things, so anything else is perfectly fine for discussion and/or playing out...and if it starts to make me uncomfortable, I will do my best to man up and let you know. B|


Medical Info: John is a four-eyes. :( And he's 13.

Mental Info: Pretty stable. But he is 13.

Triggers: Messing with his Dad or his friends, mostly.

Hugging: Hugs are good. :D

Kissing: He's not sure if he likes girls yet. :|a But yeah, maybe someday. Hm.

Flirting: He'll...derp at you. But sure, you go right ahead.

Smut: No. He's 13.

Fighting: He will hamburella your ass, man.

Killing: Definitely ask me, but he's died at least once in canon. So.

Telepathy/mind reading abilities: Ask me what he's thinking and uhh yeah I'm pretty sure you'll get quite a bit.

Device hacking: He's pretty good with computers and all but he's NOT VERY GOOD AT IT so if you're pretty good, you'll probably get in.


Anything else: Just ask!

permissions, contact, ooc

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