I finally got around to taking photographs of my collection. I haven't been able to upload any of them to my computer yet since I forgot to bring the connecting cable to university with me but I've ordered a memory card reader online. It's odd, even though a lot of these items have been purchased online it's been a while since I've ordered something from an actual shopping site. There's something quite exciting about it!
Anyway, I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with the quality of the images, a lot of them I had to take in odd poses so as not to get too much shadow. I really should have gotten a desk lamp or something instead of using the ceiling light. Oh well, I can edit them when I upload them. I'm sure they're not that bad, I'm probably just very picky about this kind of thing. In the mean time I should probably think about how to organize and display everything.
Lately I've also been thinking a bit about the online Hetalia TCG that
tornsunflowers tried to start. It would have been a fun idea if it got off the ground and seeing how other online trading card games function it's interesting to consider the reasons it never really took off and how to improve it. I've even been playing around a bit with card templates but... well, it's mostly just procrastination from studying, I have to admit.