Aug 19, 2010 16:12
110. My middle name: Anne.
109. I was born in: Born in Milford, raised Uxbridge/Northbridge.
108. I am really: A lazy slob.
107. My phone is: finally got oneee and it's the biggest piece of shit I've ever laid eyes on.
106. My eye color is: Brown.
105. My ring size is: I have no idea!
104. My height is: 5'8".
103. I am allergic to: Nothing?
102. I was born on: August 29th.
101. I am annoyed by: Loud chewers. Whiney cunts. Rich assholes.
100: I am afraid of: The dark. Serial Killers. Clowns. Chimps. Bugs.
99. My bed is: Unmade. Always will be.
98: One thing you don’t like about yourself: My brain.
97. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? I move around a lot. Side, stomach, back, side.
96. How do you vent anger? Listening to music. Talking to shayna. Petting/talking to my cat. Punching.
95. How did your day start off? Sweaty and miserable.
94. Do you get along with guys or girls better? Guys. Except for Titty, and Sha!
93. How do you think you look right this moment? -_____-
92. Last person you went to the movies with? Zach. Going with Shayzza this weekend though ;).
91. My favorite Holiday is: Favorite! Yeah right. Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving! Just gimme 'em all!
90. The last CD I bought was: Five Finger? How many years ago was that? Haha.
89. Do you have any siblings? Oneee. Little ShimShangla.
88. What did you do yesterday? Sat in my room talking to shayna and sweating.
87. When in doubt?: Think positively!
I Do /Do Not Believe In
86. Love at first sight? No. Like at first sight.
85. Luck? Only because I have none!
84. Fate? Sure.
83. Aliens?: Yee!
82. Heaven?: After watching Constantine, Angel, and Supernatural, yes.
81. Hell?: ^
80. Ghosts?: Yeaaa.
79. Horoscopes?: Too a point.
78. Soulmates?: Me and my cat!
77. Karma?: So-so.
Which is Better?
76. Drunk or High?: Hands down, Drunk.
75. On the phone or online: Text/Online.
74. Red heads or blondes?: Both.
73. Blondes or Brunettes?: Both.
72. Hot or cold?: Warm.
71. Summer or Winter: Both.
70. Chocolate or vanilla?: Cotton candy!
69. Night or Day?: Night.
68. Oranges or Apples?: App jui is where it's atttt!
67. Curly or Straight hair?: Straight on myself. Both on others.
66. Sweet or sour?: Both.
65. Urban or rural?: Either.
64. Watching T.V. or reading?: Either.
Last time I
63. hugged someone: Hugged the crap out of my cat today.
62. Saw someone: 20 minutes ago.
61: Cried in front of someone?: Haven't in a long time.
60. Who is the ditziest person you know?: Myself or Shaaa.
59. Who makes you laugh?: A lot of people, mostly Tittycat, Shayn, and Slickster though.
58. Last show you watched?: Supernatural. Dean and Sam you two are sexy mother fuckers! Both have great teethh! :F
57. What you don’t understand is?: Peoples thought processes. (because all that made sense lol)
56. The most unsatisfying answer: To what?
55. Something I really miss when I leave home is?: My cat! Or my space! Or my room, and my computer and tv, and just the feeling of being at home.
54. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is?: This weekend.
53. Tomorrow: See my babies shining face in the A.M., Watch Camel while Shanubie is at her Gramma's funeral, .. Nothing else thus far.
52. Today: Did nothing, Waited for my shitty phone, Sang/Hugged/Kissed my cat, Talked to Sha!
51. Next Summer: No idea.
50. This Weekend: Movies, purgatory, hang with people,.. who knows.
49. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: Shaaybum!
48. The most difficult thing for me to do is?: Get motivated.
47. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: ever in my life because I don’t have my license yet.
46. The first person I talked to today was: Momma.
45. First time you had a crush: Uh, Brandon Hall? Was it Shayna? Haha, you'd know, haha since you know me better then I do.
44. The one person who I can’t hide things from: is myself.
43. Last time someone said something you were thinking: Shayna's usually in my head.
42. Right now I am talking to: Shaa.
41. What is your dream job?: Working with animals.
40. First job?: Beaumont Nursing Home.
39. I have had these pets: Dogs, Cats, Birds, Hampsters, Guinea Pigs, Rats, Mice, Bunnies, Snakes, Salamanders, Frogs, Catapillers.. Can't think of anything else.
38. I can still see: Muur.
37. The worst sound in the world is?: Loud chewing. My cat screeching. Some people's voices.
36. The person who makes me cry the most: Myself.
35. Best sound in the world?: Silence, music, laughter, fans, my cats meow, my friends voices'.
34. Who makes you happy?: Friends, Family, Cat.
33. Cats or dogs?: Crazy for doos Kittays!
32. Myspace or Facebook: Facebook.
31. Mexican food or Chinese?: Chi-chi.
30. My favorite piece of clothing?: Holey, Old, Ripped up, Worn out jeans.
29. My favorite color(s) are: Black, Red, Turquiose, Blue, Green, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Pink, Alllll.
28. Last time I cried: Long time ago.
27. My friends: My best friend*: She is my everything, even if she's a crazy little mongrul c;
26. My computer is: Thee biggest piece of shit, no offence guy, you've served me well, you just suck a shit ton of ass.
25. Last person I got mad at: Meee.
24. Person you secretly crush on?: Slicky, haha not quite secret.
23. Favorite place to eat?: Oooph. Where ever I got those wanngs. Papa Ginos. Milford Manderian (Buffet), Imperial (Buttet), Mcdonalds (Snackwraps, Chicken Nuggs), Dairy Queen (Chicken Basket), Taco Bell, KFC, The chinese food place at the mall. I don't know too many to think of!
22. Favorite song: Oh dearest me. That is way too hard.
21. The all-time best show is: Angel, Supernatural, The Inbetweeners, Family Guy, Degrass (with shayna), Robot Chicken, All the animal shows, Anything involving History, Fantasy, Animals, Cartoons, Comedy, all that crap.
20. The all-time best feeling in the world is: A punch in the cunt.
19. Favorite scent: People's natural smells. (Like when you get in their car, or hug them. It just comes off them and whenever you smell it, from a piece of their clothes or whatnot you know it's them).
18. What color is your hairbrush: Light blue.
17. Favorite shoes: The weird tan ones, Or the black and white ones. Or the shitty old magenta ones my ferret chewed up.
16. I lose all respect for people who: Don’t respect themselves or don’t try.
15. Favorite channel to watch: ^ there was a good list of shows I enjoy, and/or my preferences in channels.
14. Favorite food(s): Hah! Chicken Nuggs, Chicken Alfredo, Chicken soup, Kilbasa, Turkey subs, Meatball subs, Steak and cheese subs, Whatever sub I had at Shaybums, BBQ Chicken wings, Pork Fried Rice, White rice with shrimp and carrots, Snackwraps, Pork with Ah-so Sauce, Rice Pilof, Chow Mein, Low Mein, Beef and Brocc., Pizza, Ribs, Push-up Pops(ice cream), Honey Ham, Turkey Dinners.. I could go on forever.
13. Favorite day of the week: No.
12. Best physical feature(s) in a potential partner: Eyes, Lips, Teeth.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: I'd say when I broke my arm, but now I don't remember it hurting that bad haha.
10. Best memory: You kidding me?
9. Favorite TV show?: ^ List.
8. My favorite singer/band: Too many!
7. Favorite stuffed animal?: PIckieeeee! My fucking blanket that is forever gone. It turns my stomach thinking about him.
6. Greatest accomplishment: Haaaa.
5. My weakness is: As if I would say so then it could be used against me!
4. When did you last go to a concert?: Never?
3. Who broke your heart?: Animalssss!
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: My bed and blankets when it's the perfect tempeture, My cat when she smiles at me with those eyes, My friends smiles, or voices.
1. One person that you wish you could see right now?: Shaa!