So yesterday I went to the cinema and watched the latest Harry Potter movie OMG all grown up. Old Dumbledore gets nostalgic!
My summary of the movie: Blink and you'll miss it!
At first something totally silly: Did you see Harry and the McLaggen dude making out behind the drapery and Snape joined them?! *rofl*
The movie was ... well I'm not sure yet. It was a hell of a ride!
They put so many scenes in such a short time that I kinda missed the Harry Potter mood. Honestly suddenly the Dumbledore was dead, Death Eaters ran away, the Trio standing on that stupid balcony, Hermione telling Harry Ron'd be okay with Harry/Ginny - but who the fuck cares about this stupid romance? Where the hell is Dumbledores funeral!? The funeral was such a beautiful, heartbreaking scene and THEY DID NOT PUT IT IN THE MOVIE! Hello?
But I'm always complaining about the same things after watching a new Harry Potter movie. They have to squeeze all the plot in such a tiny movie. Sure the whole Horcrux theme was very important but I missed the magic. There was no time to build up a solid story backround and most important: magic.
Dumbledore hadn't even time to be as annoying as he'd been in the book. *lol*
Tom Felton did a great job in the movie. He played both the arrogant bastard and the insecure kid like he owned the place. Daniel Radcliffe didn't have so many strong senes in this movie. He was busy doing what others wanted him to do. *face palm*
Oh and did you saw the Remus/Tonks story line or did you blink for just a tiny second. *lol*
I want more Neville and more Luna scenes! :D
So enough rambling! I think the movie built a solid backup/ground for the seventh movie.
What did you think?