I was going to do this in a comment to
clyde-park's Oscar post, but I am desperate for my own daily content so I'm going to do a full-fledged post here.
This year (last year) I did a pretty good job of watching Oscar movies before the Oscars, and I've seen seven of the ten Best Picture nominees. Here's what I thought of them, in alphabetical order:
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Not only was it trying too hard to be clever, but it also devolves as it goes along into a massively annoying action movie. I didn't understand why the mind defends itself from inception by churning out machine gun toting thugs instead of manifesting its defenses as another character who uses psychology to offset the ideas being planted.
I liked the Social Network a lot though I'm sure it's loaded with inaccuracies and dramatic license. Same with "The King's Speech" which seems like a prototypical Oscar darling; Serious period drama with a gimp as the main character. I think "Bertie" is more interesting since he's a bit unlikeable rather than say "Forrest Gump" who was a bit too good to be true and had no obvious character flaws other than being a "gump."
True Grit was the movie I wanted to see more than any of them so I'm disappointed that I'll miss it. I liked the Fighter a lot too and would have no qualms with it winning Best Picture even though I'm not sure it's the right choice.
I guess my top 3 would be
1. King's Speech
2. The Fighter
3. The Social Network
even though my favorite of the films I've seen is probably Toy Story. The main flaw with T.S. is that in all 3 films we see the Toys trying to get to Andy, but we hardly ever see Andy with the toys so I'm not all that sad when he has to let them go.
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