Every once in a while you find out something that truly blows your mind because it is both (i) really major and (ii) something you should have known a long time ago. For some people that might be, "Keira Knightley was in a Star Wars movie" or "Nicole Richie was adopted" or "My grandma was the nurse in that famous WWII photo."
How about this one for me:
Until this morning, I DID NOT KNOW THIS. The San Francisco Giants pitcher, now a back-to-back Cy Young award winner and rapidly becoming one of the most famous men in the sport,
has a Filipina mother, which has apparently been "common knowledge" since at least last year. (Surely Tim's family and friends were aware of it long before that.)
Two of my favorite things in the world are baseball and half-Asians. Tim Lincecum has been on my fantasy team for three years - his entire MLB career - and has been one of my very favorite players since his debut. I semi-obsessively keep track of half-Asians, and particularly half-Asian baseball players. Yet it wasn't until 10 a.m. on Nov. 20, 2009, that I had any inkling he was half-Asian. How does this happen?!