It felt like the world would never end

Nov 13, 2009 23:59

If you saw the trailer for the new disaster-porn movie 2012, you might have thought, "This looks like it's going to be really dumb," and also, "But I'd kind of like to see it."

Let me make things easy for you: Yes it is, and no you don't.

Goon, Dad and I went to see it this afternoon, and it was even dumber and worse than my expectations - which, I assure you, were quite low going in.

It has a lot of good actors, but no good acting. It shamelessly recycles its own material, so even if something is cool once, you are sick of it before the movie is over. (For example, there are three separate plane-trying-to-take-off-from-crumbling-runway scenes. There are at least three scenes where someone yells "Grab my hand" to someone about to fall into an abyss.) Though it takes great pains to be "multicultural" - the President of the U.S. and the World's Most Brilliant Scientist are both black men, look how progressive we are! - every character is a stereotype. All of the best special-effects scenes were already revealed in the trailer. The only character who says or does anything reasonable or logical is the quasi-villain. The wrong people die. The dog survives.

And it is LOOOOONG: 158 minutes, and in 150 of them, people are doing things that don't make any sense.

This is a movie for people who loved The Day After Tomorrow but thought it was just a little too plausible. Or those feeling nostalgic for the halcyon days of Sept. 11, 2001, when we got to see the amazing spectacle of people falling out of skyscrapers as they crumbled to the ground. Or Christmas 2004, when a majestic wave rose up dozens of feet in the air and then wiped out hundreds of thousands of nameless brown people. Wasn't that great entertainment?

Anyway, Thandie Newton is very pleasant to look at, I thought the design of the "arks" was cool, and everything else was stupid beyond my wildest dreams. The movie's tagline is "We were warned." And now you have been. Don't bother!


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