i dont know

Dec 09, 2004 23:18

dear livejournal,
its been like a month since i even looked at this webpage, but im going to make a little more effort to put some thoughts down.
a verse that helped me out so very much today goes like this..

34And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ lend to ‘sinners,’ expecting to be repaid in full. -Luke 6:34

so i had an experience where i was expecting some "repayment" and i was getting a little frustrated with it, but you know what? its ok, becuase all glory goes to god, and reading that verse just completely made all of my chagrin go away..very thankful of that..

and this is where im going to end, because seriously i dont have anything to say about my day, or my big gap where i haven't posted anything since like september, im sure its not important.oh yeh, hah, if anyone reads this, dont reply back and say "no stuart it is important really, i really wanna know whats gone on in the last month" (not saying that you were) but i just haven't dont anything this past month, so there you go, thanks to everyone who found much less took the time to read this post..god bless you all

stuart ogran...not organ, not O'ganrs not ORnrsdf..but OGRAN
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