Jan 11, 2009 17:58
As one of what I suspect is many women who has had to deal with inappropriate behavior from former Duke Janos, mundanely known as Greg Prevost, I was pleased to hear he had been banished for such behavior to other women. No one else in the kingdom would have to deal with the tumult of emotions that come with unwelcome manhandling. It was with a heavy heart I heard this complete banishment was overturned.
This was overturned at least partially because the BOD had little evidence in a usable form to back up their decision for banishment. Usable evidence is NOT an email or conversation, it is something physical with a legal signature.
If you directly experienced this inappropriate behavior at any time from the former Duke Janos, do something about it now. Write a letter describing the incident(s), their effect on you, and if applicable their effect on those around you. Finish it off with a legal signature and get it to the kingdom seneschal by 2/15 so he has time to put together a good and effective packet. Mail these letters to:
Baron William Welwyn (William Morris)
301 Northwood Street
Columbia, SC 29201
The letters you send will be copied. A copy will be kept with the kingdom records, a copy will go to the kingdom ombudsman. I appreciate that advertising what is a very vulnerable place is painful and difficult, but this is our chance to protect others from that pain.
After you’ve sent those letters, find yourself a lovely teal shirt and wear it to the bod meeting being held in Williamsburg on April 18th. More likely than not you will not speak in this meeting, but it couldn't possible hurt to show the BoD the faces of women hurt by this man.