I've always found it interesting to set my laptop down in my apartment building and the names of the wi-fi connections people use:
- chris
- vaudo
- Unclefucker
- Janelle
- Pray
- Comcast
- Linksys-SF-MD-03
- Vsasquez Network
- linksys
- Thierno-Bah
- allmine!
- smith
- srm
- Galatasaray
- Belkin_N_Wireless_116283
- Jetstream
- OneCare_6253
- bunchahoes
- The Vadge (the best one; my roommate named this. Unfortunately, when I moved to my new place, he didn't bother to get another connection set-up. So right now, I'm nabbing a weak unsecured network that drops me every 10 minutes and gives me 56k baud-like speeds)