There are many things that I can do, and some things that I can't. One of them is write about my life. If I am anywhere else (other than in front of a computer), I can think of intricate, detailed memories of my day, or of my week, or perhaps even the highlights of the month-HOWEVER, as I sit and find myself recalling them as I sit in front of my computer, I'm always at a loss. Twitter has had me enamored, but even I seem to forget about it occasionally. (If you don't have me added, I'm
actionhalo. I put up a cute, dim-lighted high school-esque picture of me using the camera + photobooth.)
Twitpic has to be one of my new favorite things! I keep telling myself that I should use it more often. Just last night, as my sister was preforming at a show in Kendall County, I thought that I should most CERTAINLY TAKE A PICTURE OF HER AND POST IT ON TWITTER. Unfortunately after I got my Guiness and started paying attention to the show, I had all but completely forgotten. :|
While it's on my mind, my current lurks:
Look, I've been lazy everywhere, ahhhhh.
Whenever I take some kind of unannounced hiatus from somewhere, I feel like completely revamping my journal and completely changing my icons/layout. It's some kind of irrational impulse, as if I've changed completely in the few months that I've been feeling exhausted. Maybe I have. I've made up my mind finally, and as much as I adore my BFA, that I'm going to be going into natural health care. I have a few contacts to make-but I'm finding more and more that I enjoy helping people become healthy in an increasingly nutritionally brainwashed world.
Then again I always feel kind of bad when I rant about nutrition on this journal. I've made a blog for such things, though I'm not quite sure when it'll be up and running. I have a killer miso soup recipe I used at a potluck, but it might be one of those awesome things that I think is an AMAZING idea and then I drop it. You might have nutritional rants soon when I feel some bit more comfortable doing so. I think I'm going to end up putting twitter back on my phone, I really miss it.
One of my darlings. My sister has dubbed him "Esteban Ginger." He's a little spaz. The other beta, Arthur Antione, is more zen in general. He takes pleasure in fluttering out from behind his plants whenever anyone's cooking to observe. Esteban likes to puff up when I put my finger to the glass. I can hardly put the food in the tank fast enough with a toothpick before Esteban yanks it off. It's an epic adventure. I adore them both utterly. For a while, I had two other fish in Arthur's tank, but they didn't seem to keen on him, beating the crap out of him. :( I ended up taking them back and giving the tank back to poor Arthur, who still looks like he's recovering. I bought him a plant to make up for it.
Who else likes
lol workspace on the floor. Cait and some others wanted to see some of my paintings. These are more like color studies, but he's a small idea of how I jive. I'll post my illustrated watercolors when I have a few more.
I think I just have to begin feeling more comfortable keeping myself in the house instead of having a constant need to go out. I've been working on it. I have so many projects at home, that I don't see why I'm having a problem keeping myself content.
Also, icon/textures coming soon for dearest.