May 14, 2010 10:19
Scott came by and I saw "Memento" for the first time. I really liked it, except I couldn't stop wondering out loud about things because I was so intrigued. I think I'll enjoy it even more the next time I watch it because I'll be able to catch the subtleties now that I know what's going on in general.
Went over to Jessica's and we played Katamari Forever on her PS3. It was a lot of fun handing the controller back and forth and trying to beat the tricky levels. We also unlocked more levels, which she didn't expect, so that was a cool bonus.
Afterward I went to lunch with her, Steen, and Eric, which was hilarious and somehow boiled down to how I should get a facebook.
Then I went to BC to play a game with a newer friend I made, Tom, and ended up meeting a couple new people. One of which was Lee, who invited Chris and I to drinking and Karaoke later that night with some of his nurse friends. I didn't sing, but I did end up remembering another part of the reason I don't usually drink beer... I felt "ugh" this morning.
Went to Mega Coney in Flint after the karaoke, and finally got home at about 3am and passed right out. No time to feel emotionally crappy, which was nice.
Today I have to get my listing online for a roomie. $500/mo all utilities included 12x11 bedroom w/closet, spread the word! Female roomie preferred unless they're a super harmless geek boy. ;P