From Inside Dope (

Feb 08, 2001 14:04

I often come across cool stuff I'd love to tell people about in newsletters, but is a hassle to talk about because it can't be linked to. So I think I will cut and paste things like that here. This one is from

I subscribe to something like 70 newsletters. Pretty wild, huh? I'm also on 4 mailing lists. But then again, this is my job.

Thursday, February 08 02:02 p.m.

Broadband Internet usage is growing dramatically, according to
Nielsen//NetRatings -- but still can't touch dial-up modem access.
That's the indication from results released by the market research
firm today, which notes that 12 million people used broadband at home
in December 2000, as opposed to five million in December 1999. That's
a healthy bump, but the research report also notes that two-thirds of
home Internet users still connect via dial-up modem (mostly 56k), and
that the dial-up modem market continues to grow. The study also notes
that broadband users are currently more male (mostly 25 to 34 years
old), but that female broadband adoption is growing faster than male.
Nonetheless, the total broadband usage is still small enough to
explain why all these online entertainment sites are going out of
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