This is Sammy. I forget just who he actually belonged to, Aaron or mom and dad. I'm not even sure what happened to him. I do remember this day though. I was visiting for a couple days. The kids (Aaron&Shelly's) were outside playing so I was out with them. I had thrown the ball a few times for Sammy, then got side tracked by stunt boy Judah or karate Elisha. Sammy waited. This is him, waiting. He's looking straight at me, with anxiously patient eyes. Do you see it? So cute. I want a pet. It's been way too long and I've been catching myself daydreaming about having a lil pup or kitty cat. Cat's are more responsible for themselves and I appreciate that aspect, but you're taking a gamble when getting a kitten as to whether or not it will be snugly. I guess that could be true about a dog too, but usually they want to be wherever you are, whenever you are. I like the idea of that. I look at that picture of Sammy and I think I'd really like to have one of my look to me, want me to throw him the ball or sit with me while I watch a movie. We'll see. :)
It was unseasonably cool when I left work this morning. As soon as the crisp breeze nipped my cheek I think I floated the rest of the way to my car. So refreshing and soothing; nice drive home with my window down.
I've heard a few friends talking about Pho. I looked up some information on it last night and I'm interested in trying it! It looks so delicious. Totally. Pho Sho.
--[I read my last entry and think, wow, 37 years old and you've never tried Pho. That could be seen as sad, ignorant or closed off. I choose to see it as feeling like a kid all over again, learning about something me. I'm glad it's impossible to ever stop learning.]--
Word of the day: poise