(no subject)

Jul 13, 2006 09:13

reposted from myspace because i'm feeling lazy like that today

Long story short, I came down to the Tri Cities to visit my family this last Friday. Got in just after midnight, and by 11AM Saturday morning was admitted to Kennewick General Hospital (but not before dragging myself down the street to be the first in line at 10AM to get tickets to the last ever Sleater-Kinney show...when I like a band, I like a band!)

After a few hours of "I don't know what's making you so ill" from a handful of doctors (including the same doctor who put the 39 stitches in my face after falling down some stairs about 7 years ago - the last time I was a guest of KGH), I was finally hooked up to a morphine drip (yay!!) had a tube shoved up my nose down into my stomach (boo!!!) then had that tube filled will all sort of radioactive dyes (which I promptly threw up, thank you very much and had to have it injected all over again... just very slowly this time) and had a series of xrays and cat scans every 15 minutes for the next 4 hours.... they came to the conclusion that I was having complications from a surgery I'd had when I was SIX MONTHS OLD - which decided to manifest itself 32 years later.

At 6 months old I had an intussusception - in normal people speak, it's when one part of the intestine folds up into itself - like a telescope, and dies. 20% of the people who have this eventually (yes, even 30+ years later) have complications - in my case, it was old scar tissue that caused my bowel to twist and basically tie itself in a knot. OW.

So, I had "emergency" surgery on Monday to straighten it out and was let out of the hospital last night. I'm at my parent's house now for the next week or so - they won't let me come back to Seattle until I have my stitches and staples taken out.

Although this does suck, and as each day passes I can almost feel my paycheck draining (6 hours of vacation time doesn't much cover missing 40+ hours of work) I am so happy that if this did had to happen, it happened here, where my parents are, and where I'm familiar with the hospitals and the doctors. It's a lot easier to deal with the ER when the doctors aren't first trying to figure out what kind of drugs you're hooked on and what kind of prescription you're trying to get out of them BEFORE they even begin to asses what kind of problems you're having.(Hm...The Swedish comes to mind)

Also, I can't complain about a diet that's supposed to consist of otter pops, ice cream and chicken soup for the next week-ish.

I miss my home, I miss my boyfriend, I miss my friends, I miss my cats. I hate that the low temps in the evenings here are the high temps for the day in Seattle. Things could be much worse, but right now, all I want to do is feel better and get home.

I miss and love you all more than you know!

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