Just a random shot in the dark...
I'm using ITunes ver. on XP. Each time I open ITunes, it will "lose" a few albums in their entirety, or just a handful of random songs... usually, it's an entire album. I'll get the exclamation point next to the song title in ITunes and it gives me the "The song "..." can not be used because the original file can not be found. Would you like to locate it?" box. These songs haven't been renamed or moved from one directory to another. They're still in the ITunes library, in the correct folders (where ITunes has put them. named them, etc) and all of that, yet...the program can't seem to find them (and they're right there! In it's own directory!!!)
Do any of you have any ideas? Fixes? Recommendations for a better media player? I"m not totally sold on iTunes. I like it's organizational stuff but the buggy stuff has been utter crap.