so unbelievably bored

Mar 26, 2006 14:34

..The Basics..
Gender?: girl
Sexual Orientation?: me likey boys
Single?: yep
Would you like to be?: i don't care
Birthday?: dec 24, 1985
Age you act?: idk
Age you wish you were?: 23
Height?: 5'2"
Eye color?: hazel
Happy with it?: yeah
Hair color?: brown
Happy with it?: want it to be my natural color
Left/right/ambidextrous?: righty tighty baby
Your living arrangement?: home :-(
Family?: big?
Job?: receptionist
Piercings?: my ears
Tattoos?: dos
Obsessions?: food
Can you speak another language?: some espanol, and i'm fluent in farsi haha jk
Favorite quote?: "kt, you're in a pickle"
Any webpages?: lj myspace
..Deep Thoughts..
Do you live in the moment?: too much at times
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yeah, i need more patience tho
Do you have any secrets?: sadly i can't keep them all, but there are definitely secrets i have
Do you hate yourself?: am i emo! no!
Do you like your handwriting?: yeah
Do you have any bad habits?: yes, i have add, not a habit but more of an energy
What is the compliment you get most from people?: damn youz a hottie. jk
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: kts world
What's your biggest fear?: snakes, tire popping in my face while i'm filling it up
Can you sing?: haha no
Do you ever pretned to be someone else just to look cool?: no!
Are you a loner?: yeah i have no friends jk
If you were another person, would you want to be friends with you?: hellz yes
Are you a daredevil?: not in the least
Is there anything you fear/hate about yourself?: that i talk too much?
Are you passive or agressive?: way to agressive
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strenghth, i've been through a lot in life and i'm still okay.. weakness, add
If you could change one thing about yourself?: skinnier
There are three wells, love, beauty & creativity, which one do you choose?: l.o.-l.o.-l.o.v.e.
How do you vent?: talk to my homies
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: freakin yeah
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?: well i try not to regret, but really i do
Do you think life has been good so far?: yeah
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: you gotta have faith
What do you like most about your body?: idk
and least?: my freakin legs
Do you find yourself attractive?: oh yeah hhaa
Are you confident?: yeah
What fictional character are you most like?: boo from monsters inc.
Do people know how you feel?: yes
Are you perceived wrongly?: probably sometimes
..Do you?..
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: yeah
Pray?: i try
Go to church?: when i'm not working which i know is a horrible excuse
Talk to strangers who IM you?: never i am mean to them
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no i sleep with my blanky
Take walks in the rain?: kyle and myles and me had the best day ever in the rain!!!!!
Talk to people even though you hate them?: cordially
Drive?: yeah
Like to drive fast?: i look around for the 5-o when i'm doing so (haha that rhymed)
..Have you ever?..
Hurt yourself?: yeah when i get reeeeeeeealllly mad at myself i hit my head, idk i'm a freak i swear
Been out of the country?: yeah mehico and canada
Eaten something that made others sick?: haha prob playing truth or dare
Been unfaithful?: to whom
Been in love?: i think as capable of love as you can be at that age
Done drugs?: yeah
Gone skinny dipping?: hell yeah, it's awkward
Had surgery?: oral surgery
Ran away from home?: to my side yard haha, my mom took pics
Played strip poker?: hell yeah and I WON!!
Got beaten up?: no i do the beating up
Been picked on?: all the freakin time
Been on stage?: yeah
Slept outdoors?: yeah
Pulled an all-nighter?: yeah d.c.
What's your record?: like 47 hours
Talked on the phone all night?: til the wee hours of the morning
Slept together with someone of the opposite sex but didn't have sex?: oo baby yes
Slept all day?: yeah i love it
Killed someone?: umm if i did i wouldn't state it here
Made out with a stranger?: yeah
Had sex with a stranger?: ew no
Had sex at all?: yeah
Thought you were going crazy?: each and every day
Kissed the same sex?: haha technically no
Anything sexual with the same sex?: ewww no
Been betrayed?: who hasn't!
Had a dream that came true?: eh not really in particular
Broken the law?: yeah
Met someone famous?: yes :______( and lost the camera that documented it
Killed an animal by accident?: hell yeah i annihilated an opposum once
Stolen anything?: yeah
Been on the radio/TV?: umm i dont' think so
Been in a mosh-pit?: ew no
Had a nervous breakdown?: proabbly
Considered a religious vocation?: no
Been criticized about your sexual performance?: not to my face?
Bungee jumped?: never
Had a reoccuring dream?: yes
Shoe brand?: i like steve maddens
Clothing brand?: f21 babay
Scent?: j'adore dior or coco madamoiselle chanel
Normal attire?: f21 haha
Do you wear hats?: angels baseball hats!
Do you wear make-up?: yes
Favorite place to shop?: freakin f21 and nordys
Favorite article of clothing?: clothes
Are you trendy?: yeah
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: yeah
Life on other planets?: no
Miracles?: yeah
Astrology?: no
God?: most definitely
Satan?: yeah
Santa?: no :-(
Ghosts?: no but i swear i have one in my house haha
Luck?: no
Love?: yeah
Love at first sight?: no
Yin & Yang?: no
Witches?: how can you believe in witches and not magic
Easter bunny?: my momma!
Is it possible to be faithful forever?: yeah
Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: no
Do you wish on stars?: yeah for fun
Do you remember your first love?: aww the days haha yeah i guess
Still love him/her?: no
Do you consider love a mistake?: no
What do you find romantic?: suprises
Turn-on?: height/hottie
Turn-off?: jerk, well no umm bad breath
Do you go more by looks or personality?: personality, bc looks come with personality
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?: freakin i hope
What is best about the opposite sex?: aww hugs
and worst?: they're heart breakers!
What's the last present someone gave you?: um my mom bought me stuff
Are you in love?: no
Is you signifcant other hot?: if i had one, he sure would be
..The last person who..
Haunted you?: umm moaning myrtle
You wanted to kill?: this bitch agent
You laughed at?: myself
Turned you on?: ooo boys
You went shopping with?: my mom
Broke your heart?: boy
Disappointed you?: friend
Made you cry?: my parents
Brightened your day?: um my mom was pretty nice to me yesterday
You thought about?: you
You saw a movie with?: becky failure to launch
You talked to on the phone?: i said "coldwell banker previews international" and a fax machine beeped at me
You talked to on IM: brando
You saw?: agents
You lost?: my grandma Betty
You thought was insane?: oo myself probably
You told off?: ooo idk
You trusted?: trust no one
You turned down?: you
..When was the last time you?..
Smiled?: now!
Laughed?: earlier today
Cried?: thursday night, i was like hysterical
Bought something?: lunch subway EAT FRESH
Danced?: dance party jfo's garage haha
Were sarcastic?: daily
Hugged someone?: idk
Talked to an ex?: today two of 'em
Watched your favorite movie?: ooo last week
Had a nightmare?: omg, i rarely have nightmares and i had one that the airplane i was on was going to CRASH!!!!
Talked on the phone?: it's my job
Listened to the radio?: yesterday
Watched TV?: friday night
Went out?: last night
Helped someone?: today i faxed stuff for some peeps
Were mean?: shoot never jk
Sang?: during my lunch break
Saw a movie in a theater?: two thursdays ago
Said "I love you"?: today
Missed somone: everyday
Fought with a family member?: thursday
Fought with a friend?: today i guess
Had a serious conversation?: today
Got drunk?: get drunk get crunk get buzzed get fuccked up... um last saturday
Had sex?: none of your buisness!!!!
Ten Song You Love
1. goodnight and go-- imogen heap
2. speed of sound-- coldplay
3. warning-- incubus
4. SINCE YOU BEEN GONE-- kelly clarkson
5. behind these hazel eyes-- kelly clarkson
6. hear me out-- frou frou
7. shiver-- coldplay
8. evil-- interpol
9. piano man-- billy joel
10. rap in general
Nine Things That Make You Smile
1. food
2. my bestest friends
3. shopping
4. sleeping ( i smile when i' sleeping)
5. when my family is eating dinner
6. grace
7. the beach
8. the future
9. when i'm drunk i'm just so happy
Eight Things You Wear Daily?
1. bra
2. chones
3. blush
4. necklace
5. shoes/sandels
6. mascara
7. clothing
8. eyeliner
Seven Things That Annoy You?
1. freakin meanies
2. being talked down to
3. when people clear their throat/cough incessantly
4. bad drivers
5. when people sing louder than the music
6. when my rooms messy, which it is 50% of the time
7. the fact that i have to work
Six Things You're Looking Forward To?
1. the future
2. having a family
3. love i hope
5. this summer
6. wakeboarding this summer
Five Things You're Afraid Of
1. a tire popping in my face
2. snakes
3. getting water in my ears
4. rollercoasters
5. scary drivers
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