Oct 03, 2005 09:50
i guess you can say i lucked out.....
Wed, Sep 28, 2005 -- 1058-BIO-328-SEC01-82211: Cancellation of Exam 1
Professor McKinnon and myself apologize for having to cancel Exam 1 today. While it was unavoidable, that does not mitigate our dismay. We are sorry. The circumstances surrounding the cancellation of the exam are as follows: (1) There was a fire on the 5th floor of the Life Sciences Building at approximately 1pm. (2) The building was evacuated and NOBODY was allowed back in until approximately 5 pm. (3) The exams were being stored on the 5th floor, and consequently, access to them was not possible. This untimely and unfortunate series of events forced cancellation of the exam. Again, our sincere apologies.